Streams Studio配置Build options
Defining build options
You can change the build options of the internal builder for building an SPL application using the InfoSphere® Streams Studio.
About this task
When you create a stand-alone build configuration or a distributed build configuration, the Edit Build Configuration window is displayed.
To change the build options for building an SPL application, follow this procedure:
- In the Project Explorer view, select and right-click on the build configuration.
- From the menu, select Edit.
- When the Edit Build Configuration window is displayed, click the Cancel button to cancel the creation or changing of the build configuration.
- Click the OK button to save the options for the build configuration.
- Within the Main tab, configure the following fields:
- In the Configuration name field, enter a name for the configuration you are about to create. By default, the name is Distributed or Standalone.
- In the Main composite field, the current SPL main composite name is displayed. You can browse to another SPL main composite when you want to switch.
- To add compile-time arguments, select the Add Argument button, and enter the name and value of the argument. To remove the argument, use the Remove button. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to rearrange multiple compile-time arguments.
- If you are finished with your configuration, click OK.
- Within the Directories tab, configure the following fields:
- In the Output directory field, enter the name of the output directory for your distributed or stand-alone build. By default, the output directory name is the same as the build configuration name. Use the drop-down list to select from any existing directories in the output location for the main composite. Leave the output directory to its default value to ensure that each build configuration has a unique output location.
- Select Use project default data directory if you want to use the data directory from the project options. Select this option so that all build configurations in the project access the same application data directory. Clear Use project default data directory if you want to specify a data directory specifically for the build configuration and enter the name of the data directory. Use the Browse button to browse to a different data directory.
- If you are finished with your configuration, click OK.
- Within the Executable tab, configure the following fields:
- Use the Executable type list to select the executable type. Your choices are Distributed application and Standalone application.
- Use the Operator fusion list to select an operator fusion. When the SPL application is compiled, each operator implementation is placed inside a processing element. Operator fusion is the process of possibly placing multiple operators into a single processing element, which makes the connections between the operators more efficient.
- Use the Number of operator profiling samples list to select the number of operator profiling samples to include in your configuration. This option controls the-Poption on thesccommand.
- Use the Profiling sampling rate list to set the profiling sample rate. The profiling sampling rate controls the-Soption.
- Use the Processing element (PE) linkage list to select whether to Create statically linked PEs or Create dynamically linked PEs.
- Use the Code optimization list to select whether to generate optimized code.
- If you are finished with your configuration, click OK.
- Within the Debug tab, use the Streams Debugger (SDB) list to select whether to debug the application with the SDB. If you are finished with your configuration, click OK.
- Within the Other tab, configure the following fields:
- In the C++ compiler options field, enter any C++ compiler options to add to your application.
- In the C++ linker options field, enter any C++ linker options to add to your application.
- In the Additional SPL compiler options field, enter any additional SPL compiler options to add to your application. There are some restrictions on the values that can be entered in the Additional SPL compiler options field.
Restriction: The followingsccompiler options are not allowed in the Additional SPL compiler options field:
- -hor--help
- -Cor--clean-and-suppress
- -Jor--suppress-all-but-the-application-model
- -Mor--main-composite
- -for--spade-dps-file
- --output-directory
- --data-directory
- If you are finished with your configuration, click OK.
- In the Environment section, replace or append workplace environment variable settings.
- In the Compiler invocation section, select the Show toolkit path list check box to include the project's toolkit path list in the displayed compiler invocation string.
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