
详细解释 请参见http://www.cnblogs.com/julie-yang/p/5147460.html

using namespace std;
struct Node{
long idx;
long val;
struct cmp
{ bool operator()(const Node &a,const Node &b)
return a.val>b.val;
class Solution {
int nthUglyNumber(int n) {
priority_queue<Node, vector<Node>, cmp> min_heap;
vector<int> primes;
if (primes.size() == ) return ;
map<long, int> start_idx;
start_idx[] = ;
int res = ; Node temp_node;
temp_node.idx = ; //idx is the first val of start_idx
temp_node.val = primes[];
min_heap.push(temp_node); int cnt = ;
if (n == ) return ;
long min_val = INT_MAX; long min_idx = ;
while (cnt < n)
min_val = min_heap.top().val;
min_idx = min_heap.top().idx;
if ((res != (min_val)))
res = min_val;
start_idx[min_val] = ;
temp_node.idx = min_val; //idx is the first val of start_idx
temp_node.val = min_val * primes[];
min_heap.push(temp_node); }
if (start_idx[min_idx] < primes.size() - )
start_idx[min_idx] ++;
temp_node.idx = min_idx; //idx is the first val of start_idx
temp_node.val = min_idx * primes[start_idx[min_idx]];
min_heap.push(temp_node); } }
return res;

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