import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import re,json
import xlwt,xlrd # 数据
DATA = []
KEYWORD = 'python'
HEADERS = {'user-agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome'\
'/63.0.3239.132 Safari/537.36'}
MAX_PAGE = 10 def get_target(data_list):
for item in data_list:
temp = {
'title': item['title'],
'price': item['view_price'],
'sales': item['view_sales'],
'isTmall': '否' if float(item['view_fee']) else '是',
'area': item['item_loc'],
'name': item['nick'],
'url': item['detail_url']
return True # 发送http请求,获取网页源码
def get_html(url,*args):
if not args:
response = requests.get(url,headers=HEADERS)
global COOKIES
COOKIES = response.cookies # 获取cookie
response = requests.get(url,headers=HEADERS,cookies=COOKIES) response.encoding = response.apparent_encoding
return response.text
except RequestException:
print('请求源码出错!') # 解析源码,得到目标信息
def parse_html(html,*args):
if not args:
pattern = re.compile(r'g_page_config = (.*?)g_srp_loadCss',re.S)
# 去掉末尾的';'
result = re.findall(pattern, html)[0].strip()[:-1]
# 格式化json,可以用json在线解析工具查看结构
content = json.loads(result)
data_list = content['mods']['itemlist']['data']['auctions']
pattern = re.compile(r'{.*}',re.S)
result = re.findall(pattern,html)[0]
content = json.loads(result)
data_list = content['API.CustomizedApi']['itemlist']['auctions'] get_target(data_list) def save_to_excel():
f_name = '淘宝%s数据'%KEYWORD
book = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='utf-8',style_compression=0)
sheet = book.add_sheet(f_name)
sheet.write(0, 0, 'title')
sheet.write(0, 1, 'price')
sheet.write(0, 2, 'sales')
sheet.write(0, 3, 'isTmall')
sheet.write(0, 4, 'area')
sheet.write(0, 5, 'name')
sheet.write(0, 6, 'url')
for i in range(len(DATA)):
sheet.write(i+1, 0, DATA[i]['title'])
sheet.write(i+1, 1, DATA[i]['price'])
sheet.write(i+1, 2, DATA[i]['sales'])
sheet.write(i+1, 3, DATA[i]['isTmall'])
sheet.write(i+1, 4, DATA[i]['area'])
sheet.write(i+1, 5, DATA[i]['name'])
sheet.write(i+1, 6, DATA[i]['url'])
book.save('淘宝%s数据.xls'%KEYWORD) def main():
for offset in range(MAX_PAGE):
# 首页有12条异步加载的数据 api?
if offset == 0:
url1 = 'https://s.taobao.com/search?q={}&s={}'.format(KEYWORD,offset*44)
html = get_html(url1)
contents = parse_html(html) url2 = 'https://s.taobao.com/api?_ksTS=1532524504679_226&callback=jsonp227&ajax=true&m=customized&' \
html = get_html(url2,2)
contents = parse_html(html,2)
url = 'https://s.taobao.com/search?q={}&s={}'.format(KEYWORD,offset*44)
html = get_html(url)
contents = parse_html(html) save_to_excel()
print(len(DATA)) if __name__ == '__main__':
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