Intel Coleto Creek SSL chipset

name type interface speed model SR-IOV driver
Intel SSL chipset Coleto Creek PCI-E 3.0 20Gbps-100Gbps COL-8925 COL-8926 COL-8950 COL-8955 support (assignment crypto capacity) support

  Intel® QuickAssist Adapter 8970 Intel® QuickAssist Adapter 8960 Intel® QuickAssist Adapter 8950 Intel® QuickAssist Adapter 8920
Performance: Hardware Acceleration Up to 100G Up to 50G Up to 20G Up to 20G
Power 23W 21W 25W 40W
Connection Low-profile PCIe (Gen 3), x16 Low-profile PCIe (Gen 3), x8  Low-profile PCIe (Gen 3), x8  Low-profile PCIe (Gen 3), x8


  • One or two Intel® QuickAssist Accelerators based on the Intel® Communications Chipset 8950 & 8925 previously codenamed "Coleto Creek"
  • Compression, Crypto, Security Offload and Acceleration
  • IPsec and SSL Acceleration including AES, 3DES, Kasumi and SNOW
  • Two devices provide over 300k RSA decrypt ops per card
  • Compression/Decompression with 40Gbps Compression offload (LZS, Deflate) per card
  • PCIe x8 Gen.3 host interface
  • On board Gen.3 PCIe switch
  • Half-height, half-length PCIe form factor

==================== End

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