camus gobblin
####Camus is being phased out and replaced by Gobblin. For those using or interested in Camus, we suggest taking a look at Gobblin.
####For instructions on Migrating from Camus to Gobblin, please take a look at Camus → Gobblin Migration.
apache/incubator-gobblin: Gobblin is a distributed big data integration framework (ingestion, replication, compliance, retention) for batch and streaming systems. Gobblin features integrations with Apache Hadoop, Apache Kafka, Salesforce, S3, MySQL, Google etc.
Apache Gobblin is a universal data ingestion framework for extracting, transforming, and loading large volume of data from a variety of data sources, e.g., databases, rest APIs, FTP/SFTP servers, filers, etc., onto Hadoop. Apache Gobblin handles the common routine tasks required for all data ingestion ETLs, including job/task scheduling, task partitioning, error handling, state management, data quality checking, data publishing, etc. Gobblin ingests data from different data sources in the same execution framework, and manages metadata of different sources all in one place. This, combined with other features such as auto scalability, fault tolerance, data quality assurance, extensibility, and the ability of handling data model evolution, makes Gobblin an easy-to-use, self-serving, and efficient data ingestion framework.
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