
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)

Total Submission(s): 316    Accepted Submission(s): 215

Problem Description
Give a time.(hh:mm:ss),you should answer the angle between any two of the minute.hour.second hand

Notice that the answer must be not more 180 and not less than 0
There are T(1≤T≤104) test

for each case,one line include the time

for each case,output there real number like A/B.(A and B are coprime).if it's an integer then just print it.describe the angle between hour and minute,hour and second hand,minute and second hand.
Sample Input
Sample Output
0 0 0
180 180 0
1391/24 1379/24 1/2
100 140 120

/* ***********************************************
Author :CKboss
Created Time :2015年08月13日 星期四 22时23分29秒
File Name :HDOJ5387.cpp
************************************************ */ #include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <map> using namespace std; int hh,mm,ss; int alltime(int h,int m,int s)
return h*3600+m*60+s;
} const int mod=360*120; int main()
//freopen("out.txt","w",stdout); int T_T;
scanf("%d:%d:%d",&hh,&mm,&ss); int at=alltime(hh,mm,ss);
int hhdu=at%mod;
int mmdu=12*at%mod;
int ssdu=720*at%mod; int dur_hm=abs(mmdu-hhdu);
if(dur_hm>mod/2) dur_hm=mod-dur_hm; int dur_hs=abs(hhdu-ssdu);
if(dur_hs>mod/2) dur_hs=mod-dur_hs; int dur_ms=abs(mmdu-ssdu);
if(dur_ms>mod/2) dur_ms=mod-dur_ms; int g1=__gcd(dur_hm,120);
int g2=__gcd(dur_hs,120);
int g3=__gcd(dur_ms,120); ///print dur_hm
if(g1==120) printf("%d ",dur_hm/g1);
else printf("%d/%d ",dur_hm/g1,120/g1); ///print dur_hs
if(g2==120) printf("%d ",dur_hs/g2);
else printf("%d/%d ",dur_hs/g2,120/g2); ///print dur_hs
if(g3==120) printf("%d \n",dur_ms/g3);
else printf("%d/%d \n",dur_ms/g3,120/g3);
} return 0;

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