How do I get started with Node.js
- interactive lessons
- The Art of Node (an introduction to Node)
- Hello World Example
- Hello World
- Hello World Web Server
- Node.js guide
- Build a blog with Node.js, express and MongoDB
- Node.Js Tutorials At Project 70
- Node.js for Beginners
- Learn Node.js Completely and with Confidence
- Absolute Beginners Guide To Node.js
- Node JS Processing Model – Single Threaded Model with Event Loop Architecture
Developer Sites
- Node tuts
- Introduction to Node.js with Ryan Dahl
- Node.js: Asynchronous Purity Leads to Faster Development
- Parallel Programming with Node.js
- Server-side JavaScript with Node, Connect & Express
- Node.js First Look
- Node.js with MongoDB
- Ryan Dahl's Google Tech Talk
- Real Time Web with Node.js
- Node.js Tutorials for Beginners
- Pluralsight courses (paid)
- The Node Beginner Book
- Mastering Node.js
- Up and Running with Node.js
- Node.js in Action
- Smashing Node.js: JavaScript Everywhere
- Node.js & Co. (in German)
- Sam's Teach Yourself Node.js in 24 Hours
- Most detailed list of free JavaScript Books
- Mixu's Node Book
- Node.js the Right Way: Practical, Server-Side JavaScript That Scale
- Beginning Web Development with Node.js
- Node Web Development
- NodeJS for Righteous Universal Domination!
JavaScript resources
- Crockford's videos (must see!)
- Essential JavaScript Design Patterns For Beginners
- JavaScript garden
- JavaScript Patterns book
- JavaScript: The Good Parts book
Node.js Modules
- Search for registered Node.js modules
- Wiki List on GitHub/Joyent/Node.js (start here last!)
- A completely biased and incomplete selection of useful Node.js modules
- JSApp.US - like jsfiddle, but for Node.js
- Node with VJET JS (for Eclipse IDE)
- Production sites with published source:
- Useful Node.js Tools, Tutorials and Resources
- - like jsfiddle, but for server side as well
- Getting Started with Node.js on Heroku
- Getting Started with Node.js on Open-Shift
- Authentication using Passport
NSSM - the Non-Sucking Service Manager
nssm is a service helper which doesn't suck. srvany and other service helper programs suck because they don't handle failure of the application running as a service. If you use such a program you may see a service listed as started when in fact the application has died. nssm monitors the running service and will restart it if it dies. With nssm you know that if a service says it's running, it really is. Alternatively, if your application is well-behaved you can configure nssm to absolve all responsibility for restarting it and let Windows take care of recovery actions.
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一.一个简单的node程序 1.新建一个txt文件 2.修改后缀 修改之后会弹出这个,点击"是" 3.运行test.js 源文件 使用node.js运行之后的. 如果该路径下没有该 ...
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- Node.js:进程、子进程与cluster多核处理模块
1.process对象 process对象就是处理与进程相关信息的全局对象,不需要require引用,且是EventEmitter的实例. 获取进程信息 process对象提供了很多的API来获取当前 ...
- Node.js:理解stream
Stream在node.js中是一个抽象的接口,基于EventEmitter,也是一种Buffer的高级封装,用来处理流数据.流模块便是提供各种API让我们可以很简单的使用Stream. 流分为四种类 ...
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- node.js学习(二)--Node.js控制台(REPL)&&Node.js的基础和语法
1.1.2 Node.js控制台(REPL) Node.js也有自己的虚拟的运行环境:REPL. 我们可以使用它来执行任何的Node.js或者javascript代码.还可以引入模块和使用文件系统. ...
- Node.js npm 详解
一.npm简介 安装npm请阅读我之前的文章Hello Node中npm安装那一部分,不过只介绍了linux平台,如果是其它平台,有前辈写了更加详细的介绍. npm的全称:Node Package M ...
- Node.js入门(一)
一.Node.js本质上是js的运行环境. 二.可以解析js代码(没有浏览器安全级的限制): 提供系统级的API:1.文件的读写 2.进程的管理 3.网络通信 三.可以关注的四个网站: 1.https ...
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开始之前,安利一本正在看的书<站在两个世界的边缘>,作者程浩,上帝丢给他太多理想,却忘了给他完成理想的时间.OK,有兴趣的可以看一看. node.js如标题一样,我也是刚开始接触,大家一起 ...
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