
Multiple markers at this line

        - The type java.lang.Object cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from 

         required .class files

        - The type Enum is not generic; it cannot be parameterized with arguments <QQPort>

        - The type java.lang.Enum cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from 

         required .class files

        - The type java.lang.Enum cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from 

         required .class files




       工程右键 -> Properties ->android ->选择一个android的版本,(如果已经选择好了,还是有问题,就先选择另一个,之后再换回来)

注:我的是安卓程序,导入了《疯狂Android讲义》中的项目,默认是project.properties 文件,我看了一下其他项目配置文件中的内容都是target=android-17,唯独ViewSwitcherTest这个项目是target=android-16,估计问题就出在了这里,于是改成17,然后project -> clean,恢复正常。

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