Brillo* is a solution from Google* for building connected devices. Incorporating aspects of the Android* platform, Brillo brings security, local and inter-device service compatibility, and a modular approach to system components to your Intel
IoT technology. Verified functionality with Brillo for the Intel® Edison board results in a versatile
and speedy time-to-market platform for scaling your projects beyond proofs of concept.

In this guide, you’ll connect the Intel® Edison module to
an Arduino expansion board.


  • Intel Edison module
  • Arduino expansion board
  • 2 Micro B to Type A USB cables
  • A direct current (DC) power supply. Your power supply should be rated as follows:
    • 7-15V DC
    • At least 1500mA
    • The center/inner pin should be the positive pole of the power supply

    Note: An external power supply is the preferred way of powering the Intel Edison board. However, you can power your board over USB if you do not have an external power supply. For details, seePowering
    your board over USB

A Note for Brillo users:

See this guide for specific
instructions on how to setup your board for Brillo.

Assemble your board

See this procedure in a video or
follow the steps below.

  1. Place the Intel Edison module within the white outline on your expansion board, lining up the holes on the module with the screws on the expansion board.

  2. Press down on the module just below the words What will you make?

     until you feel a snap.

    Caution: Unless you make sure your board is seated properly, it may not work or turn on at all.

    When you turn the attached module and expansion board on their side, both pieces should fit evenly and sit in parallel with each other.

  3. Use the two hex nuts (included in the package) to secure the module to the expansion board.

  4. Insert a screw in the corner hole and attach the plastic spacer.

  5. Repeat for the other three corner spacers.

Connect the board to your system

See this procedure in a video here:

  1. Plug in the power supply.

    Note: If you do not have a DC power supply, you can still power the board through a USB port. See the Powering
    your board over USB
     section for details.

  2. A green LED should light up on the expansion board. If it doesn't, check your connection.

  3. Find the microswitch in between the USB ports on the expansion board. Switch the microswitch down towards the micro-USB ports, if it isn't already.

  4. Plug in one of the micro-USB cables to the middle USB connector on the expansion board.

  5. Plug in the other end of the USB cable to your computer.

How do you know when the board is ready?

You will know that your board is fully initialized when your computer mounts a new drive (much like inserting a SD card into your computer).  If you do not see a new drive, or the LED light (DS1 on the Arduino expansion board) is occasionally turning
on and off, check the connection of your power supply.

  1. Plug in your second USB cable to the edge USB connector on the board.

  2. Plug the other end of the USB cable in to your computer.

Your Intel Edison board is now assembled. Choose your host operating system below.


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