class _localimpl:
"""A class managing thread-local dicts"""
__slots__ = 'key', 'dicts', 'localargs', 'locallock', '__weakref__' def __init__(self):
# The key used in the Thread objects' attribute dicts.
# We keep it a string for speed but make it unlikely to clash with
# a "real" attribute.
self.key = '_threading_local._localimpl.' + str(id(self))
# { id(Thread) -> (ref(Thread), thread-local dict) }
#当前线程的局部变量字典(thread-local dict)组成的元组
self.dicts = {} def get_dict(self):
"""Return the dict for the current thread. Raises KeyError if none
thread = current_thread()
return self.dicts[id(thread)][1] def create_dict(self):
"""Create a new dict for the current thread, and return it."""
localdict = {}
key = self.key
thread = current_thread()
idt = id(thread)
def local_deleted(_, key=key):
# When the localimpl is deleted, remove the thread attribute.
# 定义一个弱引用的回调函数,当线程局部变量的管理类localimpl被删除时,从线程中删除对应的变量
thread = wrthread()
if thread is not None:
del thread.__dict__[key]
def thread_deleted(_, idt=idt):
# When the thread is deleted, remove the local dict.
# Note that this is suboptimal if the thread object gets
# caught in a reference loop. We would like to be called
# as soon as the OS-level thread ends instead.
# 定义一个弱引用的回调函数,当线程被删除时,在管理类localimpl对象的字典中删除该线程的字典项
local = wrlocal()
if local is not None:
dct = local.dicts.pop(idt)
wrlocal = ref(self, local_deleted)
wrthread = ref(thread, thread_deleted)
thread.__dict__[key] = wrlocal
self.dicts[idt] = wrthread, localdict
return localdict
def _patch(self):
impl = object.__getattribute__(self, '_local__impl')
dct = impl.get_dict()
except KeyError:
dct = impl.create_dict()
args, kw = impl.localargs
self.__init__(*args, **kw)
with impl.locallock:
object.__setattr__(self, '__dict__', dct)
yield class local:
__slots__ = '_local__impl', '__dict__' def __new__(cls, *args, **kw):
if (args or kw) and (cls.__init__ is object.__init__):
raise TypeError("Initialization arguments are not supported")
self = object.__new__(cls)
impl = _localimpl()
impl.localargs = (args, kw)
impl.locallock = RLock()
object.__setattr__(self, '_local__impl', impl)
# We need to create the thread dict in anticipation of
# __init__ being called, to make sure we don't call it
# again ourselves.
return self #每个取值操作都用调用该函数
def __getattribute__(self, name):
with _patch(self):
return object.__getattribute__(self, name) def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name == '__dict__':
raise AttributeError(
"%r object attribute '__dict__' is read-only"
% self.__class__.__name__)
with _patch(self):
return object.__setattr__(self, name, value) def __delattr__(self, name):
if name == '__dict__':
raise AttributeError(
"%r object attribute '__dict__' is read-only"
% self.__class__.__name__)
with _patch(self):
return object.__delattr__(self, name) from threading import current_thread, RLock
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