* Description:
* author scictor <scictor@gmail.com>
* date 2018/7/4
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// https://tekmarathon.com/2013/05/14/algorithm-to-find-substring-in-a-string-kmp-algorithm/
/*What is Partial Match Table?
It is an array of size (pattern_length+1) where, for each position of i in pattern p, b[i] is defined such that it takes the ‘length of the longest proper suffix of P[1…i-1]’ that matches with the ‘prefix of P’.
What is longest prefix/suffix match??? Proper prefix is a prefix which is not same as the substring. Recall proper set which is a subset of a set but is not same as the set.
Why a prefix should match suffix of the pattern? its because when we shift the pattern its the prefix of P which comes towards the suffix. And also the key idea is that if we have successfully matched prefix P[1…i-1] of the pattern with the substring T[j-(i-1)…j-1] of the input string and P(i)!=T(j), then we dont need to reprocess any of the suffix T[j-(i-1)…j-1] since we know this portion of the text string is the prefix of the pattern that we have just matched.
* Pre processes the pattern array based on proper prefixes and proper
* suffixes at every position of the array
* @param ptrn
* word that is to be searched in the search string
* @return partial match table which indicates
void kmp_next(const char *pattern, int patternLen, int *next) {
int i = , j = -; next[i] = j; // default next[0] = -1
while (i < patternLen) {
while (j >= && pattern[i] != pattern[j]) {
// if there is mismatch consider the next widest border
// The borders to be examined are obtained in decreasing order from
// the values b[i], b[b[i]] etc.
j = next[j];
next[i] = j;
for(int index = ; index < patternLen; ++index) printf("%d ", next[index]);
} /**
* Based on the pre processed array, search for the pattern in the text
* @param text
* text over which search happens
* @param ptrn
* pattern that is to be searched
*/ //int matchIndex[128] = {0}; int kmp_search(const char *text, int textLen, const char *pattern, int patternLen) {
int i = , j = ; // initialize new array and preprocess the pattern
int next[patternLen + ];
memset(next, 0x00, sizeof(next)); // int idx = 0;
// memset(matchIndex, 0x00, sizeof(matchIndex)); kmp_next(pattern, patternLen, next); while (i < textLen) {
while (j >= && text[i] != pattern[j]) {
j = next[j];
j++; // a match is found
// if (j == patternLen) {
// printf("found substring at index:" + (i - patternLen));
// j = next[j];
// }
if (j == patternLen) {
printf("found substring at index:%d", (i - patternLen));
//j = next[j];
//matchIndex[idx++] = i - patternLen;
return (i - patternLen);
} // for(int k = 0; k < idx; ++k)
// {
// printf("%d ", matchIndex[k]);
// }
return -;
} /*
Index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Text(T) a b c a b d a b c a b d a b c a b d a b d a b c
Pattern(P) a b c a b d a b c
PMT (next[i]) -1 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 2 3
// 4ms
int kmp(const char *text, int textLen, const char *pattern, int patternLen)
int *T;
int i, j; if (pattern[] == '\0')
return ; // Construct the lookup table
T = (int*) malloc( (patternLen + ) * sizeof(int) );
T[] = -;
for (i=; pattern[i] != '\0'; i++) {
T[i+] = T[i] + ;
while (T[i+] > && pattern[i] != pattern[T[i+]-])
T[i+] = T[T[i+]-] + ;
} for(int k = ; k < patternLen; ++k) printf("%d ", T[k]); // Perform the search
for (i=j=; text[i] != '\0'; ) {
if (j < || text[i] == pattern[j]) {
++i, ++j;
if (pattern[j] == '\0') {
return (i-j);
else j = T[j];
} free(T);
return -;
} /*const char *kmp_search(const char *text, const char *pattern)
int *T;
int i, j;
const char *result = NULL; if (pattern[0] == '\0')
return text; // Construct the lookup table
T = (int*) malloc((strlen(pattern)+1) * sizeof(int) );
T[0] = -1;
for (i=0; pattern[i] != '\0'; i++) {
T[i+1] = T[i] + 1;
while (T[i+1] > 0 && pattern[i] != pattern[T[i+1]-1])
T[i+1] = T[T[i+1]-1] + 1;
} // Perform the search
for (i=j=0; text[i] != '\0'; ) {
if (j < 0 || text[i] == pattern[j]) {
++i, ++j;
if (pattern[j] == '\0') {
result = text+i-j;
else j = T[j];
} free(T);
return result;
void preKmp(char *x, int m, int kmpNext[]) {
int i, j; i = ;
j = kmpNext[] = -;
while (i < m) {
while (j > - && x[i] != x[j])
j = kmpNext[j];
if (x[i] == x[j])
kmpNext[i] = kmpNext[j];
kmpNext[i] = j;
} // text:y, len: n, match parttern:x, len: m
int KMP(char *y, int n, char *x, int m) {
int i, j, kmpNext[m]; /* Preprocessing */
preKmp(x, m, kmpNext); /* Searching */
i = j = ;
while (j < n) {
while (i > - && x[i] != y[j])
i = kmpNext[i];
// if (i >= m) {
// printf("j-i=%d\n",j - i);
// i = kmpNext[i];
// }
if (i == m) {
//printf("j-i=%d\n",j - i);
return j - i;
//i = kmpNext[i];
return -;
} int strStr(char* haystack, char* needle) {
int needleLen = strlen(needle);
if(needleLen == ) return ;
int hayLen = strlen(haystack);
if(hayLen == ) return -; return KMP(haystack, hayLen, needle, needleLen);
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