Swift 里 Set(五)Adding & Removing Elements
Adding Elements
internal func _unsafeInsertNew(_ element: __owned Element) {
_internalInvariant(count + 1 <= capacity)
let hashValue = self.hashValue(for: element)
if _isDebugAssertConfiguration() {
// In debug builds, perform a full lookup and trap if we detect duplicate
// elements -- these imply that the Element type violates Hashable
// requirements. This is generally more costly than a direct insertion,
// because we'll need to compare elements in case of hash collisions.
let (bucket, found) = find(element, hashValue: hashValue)
guard !found else {
uncheckedInitialize(at: bucket, to: element)
} else {
let bucket = hashTable.insertNew(hashValue: hashValue)
uncheckedInitialize(at: bucket, to: element)
_storage._count &+= 1
的 _unsafeInsertNew
- 修改标记位,对应位置已经被占用了
- 把插入的元素移动到指定的内存位置
增加 1
internal mutating func ensureUnique(isUnique: Bool, capacity: Int) -> Bool {
if _fastPath(capacity <= self.capacity && isUnique) {
return false
if isUnique {
resize(capacity: capacity)
return true
if capacity <= self.capacity {
return false
copyAndResize(capacity: capacity)
return true
internal mutating func reserveCapacity(_ capacity: Int, isUnique: Bool) {
_ = ensureUnique(isUnique: isUnique, capacity: capacity)
internal mutating func uncheckedRemove(
at bucket: Bucket,
isUnique: Bool) -> Element {
let rehashed = ensureUnique(isUnique: isUnique, capacity: capacity)
let old = (_elements + bucket.offset).move()
_delete(at: bucket)
return old

不知道这里的 age 是什么操作。
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