
坑1:sh: adb: command not found


adb 使用时要在服务器上配Android-home的环境变量的

配置完成之后发现在服务器上 adb OK,但是在jenkins 执行job时不OK


1. 在jenkins 设置里配置Android-home,然而并没有用

2. 在Execute shell 里将#!/bin/bash 改成 #!/bin/bash -ilex

jenkins没有加载/etc/profile导致,需要在jenkins调用shell脚本的最前面加一行脚本,#!/bin/bash -ilex,可以通过-i参数和-l参数让bash为login shell and interactive shell,就可以读取/etc/profile和~/.bash_profile等文件

3. 实际挨个试了下#!/bin/bash -ilex中的各个参数 发现有用的是-l



-l        Make bash act as if it had been invoked as a login shell (see


When  bash is invoked as an interactive login shell, or as a non-inter-

active shell with the --login option, it first reads and executes  com-

mands  from  the file /etc/profile, if that file exists.  After reading

that file, it looks for ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile,

in  that order, and reads and executes commands from the first one that

exists and is readable.  The --noprofile option may be  used  when  the

shell is started to inhibit this behavior.



所以直接改成在 shell 脚本里增加source /etc/profile就好啦~

坑2 Jenkins + python 的任务,console output 没有及时输出日志

期初是以为是 #!/bin/bash -ilex 中四个参数导致console output 没有输出,后来突然意识到是python的print应该有buffer的问题


1.jenkins 要输入换行符才能展示数据

Any output to stdout from a process spawned by Jenkins should be captured by Console Output. One caveat is that it won't be displayed until a newline character is printed, so make sure your lines are terminated.


  • ruby or python or any sensible scripting language will buffer the output; this is in order to minimize the IO; writing to disk is slow, writing to a console is slow...
  • usually the data gets flush()'ed automatically after you have enough data in the buffer with special handling for newlines. e.g. writing a string without newline then sleep() would not write anything until after the sleep() is complete (I'm only using sleep as an example, feel free to substitute with any other expensive system call).


1.print 信息后加sys.stdout.flush()

2. 执行python时增加 -u 参数,即 python -u

  • for python, you can use python -u or the environment variable PYTHONUNBUFFERED to make stdin/stdout/stout not buffered, but there are other solutions that do not change stdin or stderr


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