
python开发_tkinter_窗口控件_自己制作的Python IDEL_博主推荐

python开发_tkinter_窗口控件_自己制作的Python IDEL_博主推荐(二)







当点击'print party and flavor'按钮的时候,获取单选菜单的值




 from tkinter import *

 #       The way to think about this is that each radio button menu
# controls a different variable -- clicking on one of the
# mutually exclusive choices in a radiobutton assigns some value
# to an application variable you provide. When you define a
# radiobutton menu choice, you have the option of specifying the
# name of a varaible and value to assign to that variable when
# that choice is selected. This clever mechanism relieves you,
# the programmer, from having to write a dumb callback that
# probably wouldn't have done anything more than an assignment
# anyway. The Tkinter options for this follow their Tk
# counterparts:
# {"variable" : my_flavor_variable, "value" : "strawberry"}
# where my_flavor_variable is an instance of one of the
# subclasses of Variable, provided in Tkinter.py (there is
# StringVar(), IntVar(), DoubleVar() and BooleanVar() to choose
# from) __author__ = {'name' : 'Hongten',
'mail' : 'hongtenzone@foxmail.com',
'blog' : 'http://www.cnblogs.com/',
'QQ': '',
'created' : '2013-09-11'} def makePoliticalParties(var):
# make menu button
Radiobutton_button = Menubutton(mBar, text='Political Party',
Radiobutton_button.pack(side=LEFT, padx='2m') # the primary pulldown
Radiobutton_button.menu = Menu(Radiobutton_button) Radiobutton_button.menu.add_radiobutton(label='Republican',
variable=var, value=1) Radiobutton_button.menu.add('radiobutton', {'label': 'Democrat',
'variable' : var,
'value' : 2}) Radiobutton_button.menu.add('radiobutton', {'label': 'Libertarian',
'variable' : var,
'value' : 3}) var.set(2) # set up a pointer from the file menubutton back to the file menu
Radiobutton_button['menu'] = Radiobutton_button.menu return Radiobutton_button def makeFlavors(var):
# make menu button
Radiobutton_button = Menubutton(mBar, text='Flavors',
Radiobutton_button.pack(side=LEFT, padx='2m') # the primary pulldown
Radiobutton_button.menu = Menu(Radiobutton_button) Radiobutton_button.menu.add_radiobutton(label='Strawberry',
variable=var, value='Strawberry') Radiobutton_button.menu.add_radiobutton(label='Chocolate',
variable=var, value='Chocolate') Radiobutton_button.menu.add_radiobutton(label='Rocky Road',
variable=var, value='Rocky Road') # choose a default
var.set("Chocolate") # set up a pointer from the file menubutton back to the file menu
Radiobutton_button['menu'] = Radiobutton_button.menu return Radiobutton_button def printStuff():
print("party is", party.get())
print("flavor is", flavor.get())
print() #################################################
#### Main starts here ...
root = Tk() # make a menu bar
mBar = Frame(root, relief=RAISED, borderwidth=2)
mBar.pack(fill=X) # make two application variables,
# one to control each radio button set
party = IntVar()
flavor = StringVar() Radiobutton_button = makePoliticalParties(party)
Radiobutton_button2 = makeFlavors(flavor) # finally, install the buttons in the menu bar.
# This allows for scanning from one menubutton to the next.
mBar.tk_menuBar(Radiobutton_button, Radiobutton_button2) b = Button(root, text="print party and flavor", foreground="red",
b.pack(side=TOP) root.title('menu demo')
root.iconname('menu demo') root.mainloop()




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