Each Session object in Fiddler contains a collection of string flags, in the Session.oFlags[] collection.  The flags control how the session is processed and displayed in the Fiddler session list.  Flags can be set by FiddlerScript or an IFiddlerExtension.


  • Flag names are not case-sensitive.  Flag values are always strings.
  • If you examine oFlags["non-existent-flag"], the result will be null.
  • The oFlags collection is the "indexer" for the Session object.  Thus,oSession.oFlags["flagname"] can be written as oSession["flagname"] or oSession["SESSION", "flagname"].
  • You can remove a flag from the list by calling oFlags.Remove("flagname") or settingoSession["flagname"] = null.
  • The value of most flags is not important; simply adding the flag is enough.  So (perhaps surprisingly) oSession["ui-hide"]="no" does the same thing as oSession["ui-hide"] = "true" -- it hides the session.
  • While you can call oFlags.Add("flagname"), this will throw an exception if the flag already exists.  It's better to just set the value: oFlags["flagname"] = "value";
  • You can create new flags of your own invention that attach metadata to a given session. To avoid naming conflicts, it's recommended that you choose distinctive flagnames, e.g.addon.acme.loggingFlag.
Flag Name Meaning
ui-hide Hide the session from the Session List.  
The session will continue to run.  Breakpoints on hidden sessions are ignored.
Note: hiding a session will free up the memory that would otherwise be used to hold the session data in memory.
ui-color The value of this flag determines the font color used to render this session in the Session List.
ui-backcolor The value of this flag determines the background color used behind this session's entry in the Session List.
ui-bold If present, this session's entry will be bolded in the Session List.
ui-italic If present, this session's entry will be italicized in the Session List.
ui-strikeout If present, this session's entry will be struck out in the Session List.
ui-customcolumn The value of this flag is shown in the Fiddler Session List's "User-defined" column.
ui-breakrequest If present, execution of this session will pause before the request is issued.
ui-breakresponse If present, execution of this session will pause after the response is received.
ui-comments The Comment, if any, which the user set on this session.
x-overrideHost Provide the Host:Port combination which should be used for DNS resolution purposes. Note that this mechanism does not change the HOST header on the request, and thus is not useful if there's an upstream gateway.
x-overrideGateway Provide the Host:Port combination of a gateway that should be used to proxy this request, or DIRECT to send the request directly to the origin server.
x-serversocket Read-only.  String containing data about the reuse status of the server socket.
x-securepipe Read-only. String containing data about the reuse status of a secure server socket.
x-no-decrypt If set on a CONNECT tunnel, the traffic in the tunnel will not be decrypted.  Requires Fiddler v2.0.8.9 or later.
https-Client-Certificate Filename of client certificate (e.g. .CER) that should be attached to this secure request.  Requires Fiddler v2.1.0.3 or later.
x-SuppressProxySupportHeader Prevent Fiddler from adding a "Proxy-Support: Session-Based-Authentication" header to HTTP/401 or HTTP/407 responses that request Negotiate or NTLM authentication.   Requires Fiddler v2.1.4.2 or later.
x-ProcessInfo Information (module name and ProcessID) on source of local requests. Requires Fiddler v2.1.4.1 or later.
x-clientIP Read-only.  Indicates the client IP that sent this request.  Mostly useful when multiple computers on a network are pointed to a single Fiddler instance.
x-clientport Read-only.  Indicates the port on the client that sent this request.
x-hostIP Read-only.  Indicates the IP address of the server used for this request.
x-TTFB Deprecated.  Use oSession.Timer instead.  Time to the first byte of the response, in milliseconds.
x-TTLB Deprecated.  Use oSession.Timer instead.  Time to the last byte of the response, in milliseconds.
request-trickle-delay Milliseconds to delay each outbound kilobyte of request data.
response-trickle-delay Milliseconds to delay each inbound kilobyte of response data.
x-HTTPProtocol-Violation Contains data about violations of the HTTP protocol encountered while processing this session.
x-replywithfile The value of this flag is the name of a file in the Captures/Responses folder (or a fully-qualified filename) containing a HTTP response to return to the client rather than sending the request to the server.
x-repliedwithfile Read-only.  Contains the name of the file specified in x-replywithfile, after the automatic response was loaded.
log-drop-request-body Drop the request body from the session list after request is sent to the server.  Useful for minimizing memory usage.
log-drop-response-body Drop the request body from the session list after response is sent to the client.  Useful for minimizing memory usage.
x-OverrideCertCN String specifying the hostname that should appear in the CN field of this CONNECT tunnel's Fiddler-generated certificate.

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