Integer to Roman

Given an integer, convert it to a roman numeral.

Input is guaranteed to be within the range from 1 to 3999.



class Solution {
string intToRoman(int num) {
string ret;
while(num >= )
ret += 'M';
num -= ;
//to here, num < 1000
if(num >= )
ret += "CM";
num -= ;
//to here, num < 900
if(num >= )
ret += 'D';
num -= ;
//to here, num < 500
if(num >= )
ret += "CD";
num -= ;
//to here, num < 400
while(num >= )
ret += 'C';
num -= ;
//to here, num < 100
if(num >= )
ret += "XC";
num -= ;
//to here, num < 90
if(num >= )
ret += 'L';
num -= ;
//to here, num < 50
if(num >= )
ret += "XL";
num -= ;
//to here, num < 40
while(num >= )
ret += 'X';
num -= ;
//to here, num < 10
if(num >= )
ret += "IX";
num -= ;
//to here, num < 9
if(num >= )
ret += 'V';
num -= ;
//to here, num < 5
if(num >= )
ret += "IV";
num -= ;
//to here, num < 4
while(num >= )
ret += 'I';
num -= ;
return ret;


class Solution {
string intToRoman(int num) {
if(num >= )
return "M" + intToRoman(num-);
else if(num >= )
return "CM" + intToRoman(num-);
else if(num >= )
return "D" + intToRoman(num-);
else if(num >= )
return "CD" + intToRoman(num-);
else if(num >= )
return "C" + intToRoman(num-);
else if(num >= )
return "XC" + intToRoman(num-);
else if(num >= )
return "L" + intToRoman(num-);
else if(num >= )
return "XL" + intToRoman(num-);
else if(num >= )
return "X" + intToRoman(num-);
else if(num >= )
return "IX" + intToRoman(num-);
else if(num >= )
return "V" + intToRoman(num-);
else if(num >= )
return "IV" + intToRoman(num-);
else if(num >= )
return "I" + intToRoman(num-);
return "";

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