An easier way to debug windows services
Have you got tired of attaching the Visual Studio debugger to the service application? I got the solution just for you! It’s a small helper class containing a static
method which you need to invoke.
public static void Main(string[] argv)
// just include this check, "Service1" is the name of your service class.
if (WindowsServiceHelper.RunAsConsoleIfRequested<Service1>())
return; // all other code
Then go to project properties, the “Debug” tab and add “-console
” as Command Arguments.
That’s it. What I do is simply allocate a console using the winapi and then invoke (through reflection) the properprotected
methods in your service class.
Source code for the helper class:
public static class WindowsServiceHelper
static extern bool AllocConsole(); public static bool RunAsConsoleIfRequested<t>() where T : ServiceBase, new()
if (!Environment.CommandLine.Contains("-console"))
return false; var args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().Where
(name => name != "-console").ToArray(); AllocConsole(); var service = new T();
var onstart = service.GetType().GetMethod("OnStart",
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
onstart.Invoke(service, new object[] {args}); Console.WriteLine("Your service named '" + service.GetType().FullName +
"' is up and running.\r\nPress 'ENTER' to stop it.");
Console.ReadLine(); var onstop = service.GetType().GetMethod("OnStop",
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
onstop.Invoke(service, null);
return true;
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