


class Solution {
int maxSumSubmatrix(vector<vector<int>>& matrix, int K) {
int sum_max = INT_MIN;
int rlen = matrix.size();
int clen = matrix[].size(); for (int i=; i<clen; i++) {
vector<int> tmp_vec(rlen, );
for (int j=i; j<clen; j++) {
for (int k=; k<rlen; k++) {
tmp_vec[k] += matrix[k][j];
} set<int> cur_max_set;
int cur_max = ;
for (int k=; k<rlen; k++) {
cur_max += tmp_vec[k];
if (cur_max <= K) {
sum_max = max(sum_max, cur_max);
set<int>::iterator iter = cur_max_set.lower_bound(cur_max - K);
if (iter != cur_max_set.end()) {
sum_max = max(sum_max, cur_max-*iter);
return sum_max;
27 / 27 test cases passed.


Runtime: 1016 ms


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