
The idea of this component is to improve the readability while using the native UIAlertView. The UIKit alert view works with delegates. When you have two or more alerts at the same controller, it becomes a problem because you have to use the TAG to identify from which UIAlertView comes the user.

设计这个控件的目的是为了增强系统原生UIAlertView的可用性,UIKit的alert view是用代理的方式工作的。当你在一个控制器中有着两个或更多个alert时,问题来了(学挖掘机哪家强-_-|||),你需要用TAG值来标示不同的UIAlertView。

With STAlertView you will be able to define the behavior of the 'Ok' and 'Cancel' button, at the same place where you declare the alert view. So, let's see some code:


[[STAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Title"
NSLog(@"do something at cancel"); } otherButtonBlock:^{
NSLog(@"do something at ok"); }];

And that's it, no pieces of code everywhere, just a few lines and all the related code together. As it is a native UIAlertView, the result of using STAlertView is like the native one:


This component has been made thanks to the answer of Ricky Helgesson at StackOverflow.

设计这个组件归功于StackOverflow上的Ricky Helgesson所提供的答案。

Demo usage

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.



Is compatible with ARC and non-ARC.



STAlertView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:


pod "STAlertView"

Then at the view controller that you want to show the alert view add at the .h:


#import <STAlertView/STAlertView.h>
@property (nonatomic, strong) STAlertView *alertView;

And at the .m:

self.alertView = [[STAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Title of the alert"
message:@"Message you want to show"
cancelButtonTitle:@"No" otherButtonTitles:@"Yes"
// Code todo when the user cancel
} otherButtonBlock:^{
// Code todo when the user accept

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