D. Substring







using namespace std;
typedef long long LL; inline int read() {
int x=,f=;char ch=getchar();for(;!isdigit(ch);ch=getchar())if(ch=='-')f=-;
for(;isdigit(ch);ch=getchar())x=x*+ch-'';return x*f;
} const int N = ;
struct Edge { int to, nxt; } e[N];
int f[N], head[N], deg[N], q[N], d[N], En;
char s[N];
bool vis[N]; void add_edge(int u,int v) {
++En; e[En].to = v, e[En].nxt = head[u]; head[u] = En;
deg[v] ++;
} int main() {
int n = read(), m = read();
scanf("%s", s + );
for (int i = ; i <= m; ++i) {
int u = read(), v = read();
add_edge(u, v);
int L = , R = ;
for (int i = ; i <= n; ++i) {
d[i] = deg[i];
if (!deg[i]) q[++R] = i;
while (L <= R) {
int u = q[L ++];
vis[u] = ;
for (int i = head[u]; i; i = e[i].nxt) {
int v = e[i].to;
if (!(--d[v])) q[++R] = v;
for (int i = ; i <= n; ++i)
if (!vis[i]) { puts("-1"); return ; }
int ans = ;
for (int c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; ++c) {
L = , R = ;
for (int i = ; i <= n; ++i) {
f[i] = ;
d[i] = deg[i];
if (!deg[i]) {
q[++R] = i;
if (s[i] == c) f[i] = ;
while (L <= R) {
int u = q[L ++];
ans = max(ans, f[u]);
for (int i = head[u]; i; i = e[i].nxt) {
int v = e[i].to;
f[v] = max(f[v], f[u] + (s[v] == c)); // !!!
if (!(--d[v])) q[++R] = v;
cout << ans;
return ;

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