ubuntu 14.04下是可以通过下面这条指令安装ice3.5的
- sudo apt-get install libzeroc-ice35-dev
1. 从这里下载ice源文件
2. 安装第三方依赖
第三方依赖包中只含有berkely DB和mcpp两个依赖包,还缺少bzip、expat、openssl。
2.1) 安装berkely DB
- $tar xvf ThirdParty-Sources-3.5..tar.gz
- $cd ThirdParty-Sources-3.5.
- $tar zxvf db-5.3..NC.tar.gz
- $cd db-5.3..NC/
- $patch -p0 < ../db/patch.db.5.3.
- $cd build_unix/
- $../dist/configure --prefix=/usr --enable-cxx
- $make && make install
2.2) 安装mcpp
- $tar xvf mcpp-2.7..tar.gz
- $cd mcpp-2.7.
- $patch -p0 < ../mcpp/patch.mcpp.2.7.
- $./configure CFLAGS=-fPIC --prefix=/usr --enable-mcpplib --disable-shared
- $make && make install
2.3) 安装bzip[下载]
- $tar zxvf bzip2-1.0..tar.gz
- $cd bzip2-1.0./
- $make && make install
错误提示:/usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libbz2.a(bzlib.o): relocation R_ARM_THM_MOVW_ABS_NC against `BZ2_crc32Table’ can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
/usr/local/lib/libbz2.a: error adding symbols: Bad value
解决:bzip没有装好,一般是64 位 电脑才会出现。上面已经提示了recompile with
-fPIC。所以回到bzip目录,修改Makefile文件,CC = gcc —> CC = gcc -fPIC,再次make
&& make install
2.4) 安装expat[下载]
- $tar jxvf expat-2.1..tar.bz2
- $cd expat-2.1./
- $./configure --prefix=/usr
- $make && sudo make install
2.5) 安装openssl[下载]
- $unzip OpenSSL_0_9_8-stable.zip
- $cd openssl-OpenSSL_0_9_8-stable/
- $./config --prefix=/usr --openssldir=/usr/openssl(openssldir默认为/usr/ssl/openssl,需要修改,否则默认安装路径会找不到。)
- $make
- $make test
- $sudo make install
错误提示:/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabihf/4.9/../../../../lib/libssl.a(s23_meth.o): relocation R_ARM_THM_MOVW_ABS_NC against `a local symbol’ can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
解决:这个错误和问题2是一样的,因此修改Makefile文件,CC = gcc —> CC = gcc -fPIC,再次make && make install
3. 安装ice
- $tar zxvf v3.5.1.tar.gz
- $cd ice-3.5./cpp/ (这里只是安装了ice的c++模块)
- $make && sudo make install
- make[]: Leaving directory `/root/ice_ws/ice_source/ice-3.5./cpp/demo/book/map_filesystem'
- make[]: Leaving directory `/root/ice_ws/ice_source/ice-3.5./cpp/demo/book'
- make[]: Leaving directory `/root/ice_ws/ice_source/ice-3.5./cpp/demo'
- make[]: Leaving directory `/root/ice_ws/ice_source/ice-3.5./cpp'
- making all in java
- make[]: Entering directory `/root/ice_ws/ice_source/ice-3.5./java'
- ant -emacs
- make[]: ant: Command not found
- make[]: *** [all] Error
- make[]: Leaving directory `/root/ice_ws/ice_source/ice-3.5./java'
- make: *** [all] Error
- # **********************************************************************
- #
- # Copyright (c) - ZeroC, Inc. All rights reserved.
- #
- # This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the
- # ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution.
- #
- # **********************************************************************
- SUBDIRS = cpp
- all::
- @for subdir in $(SUBDIRS); \
- do \
- echo "making all in $$subdir"; \
- ( cd $$subdir && $(MAKE) all ) || exit ; \
- done
- clean::
- @for subdir in $(CLEAN_SUBDIRS); \
- do \
- echo "making clean in $$subdir"; \
- ( cd $$subdir && $(MAKE) clean ) || exit ; \
- done
- depend::
- @for subdir in $(DEPEND_SUBDIRS); \
- do \
- echo "making depend in $$subdir"; \
- ( cd $$subdir && $(MAKE) depend ) || exit ; \
- done
- install::
- @for subdir in $(INSTALL_SUBDIRS); \
- do \
- echo "making install in $$subdir"; \
- ( cd $$subdir && $(MAKE) install ) || exit ; \
- done
- test::
- @for subdir in $(SUBDIRS); \
- do \
- echo "making test in $$subdir"; \
- ( cd $$subdir && $(MAKE) test ) || exit ; \
- done
- cpp::
- echo "making all in cpp";
- ( cd cpp && $(MAKE) all ) || exit ;
然后make && make install,通过。
5. 测试用例
- module demo
- {
- interface printer
- {
- void printerstr(string msg);
- };
- };
- $slice2cpp demo.ice
发现没有slice2cpp这条指令,添加系统环境gedit /etc/environment
- :/opt/Ice-3.5./bin
- slice2cpp: error while loading shared libraries: libSlice.so.: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
编译生成的环境加入到系统环境中gedit ~/.bashrc
- #在PATH中找到可执行文件程序的路径。
- export PATH =$PATH:/opt/Ice-3.5./bin
- #g++找到头文件的路径
- #找到动态链接库的路径
保存,source ~/.bashrc,重新执行上述命令,OK,在print目录下生成demo.h和demo.cpp。
- #include <Ice/Ice.h>
- #include <demo.h>
- using namespace demo;
- using namespace std;
- class PrinterI : public printer {
- public:
- virtual void printerstr(const string & s,
- const Ice::Current &);
- };
- void
- PrinterI::
- printerstr(const string & s, const Ice::Current &)
- {
- cout << s << endl;
- }
- int
- main(int argc, char* argv[])
- {
- int status = ;
- Ice::CommunicatorPtr ic;
- try {
- ic = Ice::initialize(argc, argv);
- Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter
- = ic->createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints(
- "SimplePrinterAdapter", "default -p 10000");
- Ice::ObjectPtr object = new PrinterI;
- adapter->add(object,
- ic->stringToIdentity("SimplePrinter"));
- adapter->activate();
- ic->waitForShutdown();
- } catch (const Ice::Exception & e) {
- cerr << e << endl;
- status = ;
- } catch (const char * msg) {
- cerr << msg << endl;
- status = ;
- }
- if (ic)
- ic->destroy();
- return status;
- }
- #include <Ice/Ice.h>
- #include <demo.h>
- using namespace demo;
- using namespace std;
- int
- main(int argc, char * argv[])
- {
- int status = ;
- Ice::CommunicatorPtr ic;
- try {
- ic = Ice::initialize(argc, argv);
- Ice::ObjectPrx base = ic->stringToProxy(
- "SimplePrinter:default -p 10000");
- printerPrx printer = printerPrx::checkedCast(base);
- if (!printer)
- throw "Invalid proxy";
- printer->printerstr("Hello World!");
- } catch (const Ice::Exception & ex) {
- cerr << ex << endl;
- status = ;
- } catch (const char * msg) {
- cerr << msg << endl;
- status = ;
- }
- if (ic)
- ic->destroy();
- return status;
- }
编译并运行客户端和服务端,如果hello world打印出来,那么就是安装成功了。
- $ g++ demo.cpp server.cpp -lIce -L/opt/Ice-3.5./lib -lIceUtil -lpthread -o server
- $ g++ demo.cpp client.cpp -lIce -L/opt/Ice-3.5./lib -lIceUtil -lpthread -o client
- $ ./server
- $./client
- Hello World!
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