1. @classmethod和@staticmethod
- class A():
- @classmethod
- def classM(cls):
- print "class method, and invoker:",cls.__name__
- @staticmethod
- def staticM():
- print "static method"
- class B(A):
- pass
- A.classM() #class method, and invoker: A
- B.classM() #class method, and invoker: B
- A.staticM() #static method
- B.staticM() #static method
- a=A()
- a.classM() #class method, and invoker: A
- a.staticM() #static method
- b=B()
- b.classM() #class method, and invoker: B
- b.staticM() #static method
2. 作为普通的修饰符,下面的定义类似于 testone=func(testone)
- class C():
- def func(fn):
- def test(*args):
- print "hello"
- return test
- @func
- def testone(a,b):
- print a**2+b**2
- if __name__=="__main__":
- testone(3,4)
- #output:hello
- class C():
- def func(fn):
- def test(*args):
- print "hello"
- fn(*args)
- return test
- @func
- def testone(a,b):
- print a**2+b**2
- if __name__=="__main__":
- testone(3,4)
- #output:
- hello
- 25
3. 不常见的写法,用来修饰一个class,在单例模式中能用到
- def singleton(cls):
- instance={}
- def getinstance():
- if cls not in instance:
- instance[cls]=cls()
- return instance[cls]
- return getinstance
- @singleton
- class Myclass:
- pass
- #output
- >>> my1=Myclass()
- >>> print my1
- <__main__.Myclass instance at 0x00000000028C2F48>
- >>> my2=Myclass()
- >>> print my2
- <__main__.Myclass instance at 0x00000000028C2F48>
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