1. . 标记
  2. GeoDataPlacemark *place = new GeoDataPlacemark( "Bucharest" );
  3. place->setCoordinate( 25.97, 44.43, 0.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
  4. place->setPopulation( );
  5. place->setCountryCode ( "Romania" );
  7. GeoDataDocument *document = new GeoDataDocument;
  8. document->append( place );
  10. // Add the document to MarbleWidget's tree model
  11. mapWidget->model()->treeModel()->addDocument( document );
  13. . 初始位置
  14. GeoDataCoordinates home(, 30.0, 10.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree);
  15. mapWidget->centerOn(home);
  17. .鼠标当前位置
  18. // Connect the map widget to the position label.
  19. QObject::connect(mapWidget, SIGNAL(mouseMoveGeoPosition(QString)),
  20. positionLabel, SLOT(setText(QString)));
       mapWidget->setProjection( Mercator );
  22. 5.获取设置控件
      foreach ( AbstractFloatItem * floatItem, mapWidget->floatItems() )
  1. if ( floatItem && floatItem->nameId() == "compass" ) {
  3. // Put the compass onto the left hand side
  4. floatItem->setPosition( QPoint( 10, 10 ) );
  5. // Make the content size of the compass smaller
  6. floatItem->setContentSize( QSize( 50, 50 ) );
  7. }
  1.  6.绘制标记

  void MyMarbleWidget::customPaint(GeoPainter* painter)
    GeoDataCoordinates home(8.4, 49.0, 0.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree);
    painter->drawEllipse(home, 17, 17);
    painter->drawText(home, "Hello Marble!");


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