经典算法题每日演练——第六题 协同推荐SlopeOne 算法
原文:经典算法题每日演练——第六题 协同推荐SlopeOne 算法
在这个图中,系统该如何计算“王五“对”电冰箱“的打分值呢?刚才我们也说了,slopeone是采用均值化的思想,也就是:R王五 =4-{[(5-10)+(4-5)]/2}=7 。
rb = (n * (ra - R(A->B)) + m * (rc - R(C->B)))/(m+n)
注意: a,b,c 代表“商品”。
ra 代表“商品的打分值”。
ra->b 代表“A组到B组的平均差(均值化)”。
m,n 代表人数。
r王五 = (2 * (4 - R(洗衣机->彩电)) + 2 * (10 - R(电冰箱->彩电))+ 2 * (5 - R(空调->彩电)))/(2+2+2)=6.8
/// <summary>
/// 评分实体类
/// </summary>
public class Rating
/// <summary>
/// 记录差值
/// </summary>
public float Value { get; set; } /// <summary>
/// 记录评分人数,方便公式中的 m 和 n 的值
/// </summary>
public int Freq { get; set; } /// <summary>
/// 记录打分用户的ID
/// </summary>
public HashSet<int> hash_user = new HashSet<int>(); /// <summary>
/// 平均值
/// </summary>
public float AverageValue
get { return Value / Freq; }
2: 定义一个产品类
/// <summary>
/// 产品类
/// </summary>
public class Product
public int ProductID { get; set; } public string ProductName { get; set; } /// <summary>
/// 对产品的打分
/// </summary>
public float Score { get; set; }
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text; namespace SupportCenter.Test
#region Slope One 算法
/// <summary>
/// Slope One 算法
/// </summary>
public class SlopeOne
/// <summary>
/// 评分系统
/// </summary>
public static Dictionary<int, Product> dicRatingSystem = new Dictionary<int, Product>(); public Dictionary<string, Rating> dic_Martix = new Dictionary<string, Rating>(); public HashSet<int> hash_items = new HashSet<int>(); #region 接收一个用户的打分记录
/// <summary>
/// 接收一个用户的打分记录
/// </summary>
/// <param name="userRatings"></param>
public void AddUserRatings(IDictionary<int, List<Product>> userRatings)
foreach (var user1 in userRatings)
foreach (var item1 in user1.Value)
int item1Id = item1.ProductID; //该项目的评分
float item1Rating = item1.Score; //将产品编号字存放在hash表中
hash_items.Add(item1.ProductID); foreach (var user2 in userRatings)
//再次遍历item,用于计算俩俩 Item 之间的差值
foreach (var item2 in user2.Value)
if (item2.ProductID <= item1Id)
continue; //该产品的名字
int item2Id = item2.ProductID; //该项目的评分
float item2Rating = item2.Score; Rating ratingDiff; //用表的形式构建矩阵
var key = Tools.GetKey(item1Id, item2Id); //将俩俩 Item 的差值 存放到 Rating 中
if (dic_Martix.Keys.Contains(key))
ratingDiff = dic_Martix[key];
ratingDiff = new Rating();
dic_Martix[key] = ratingDiff;
} //方便以后以后userrating的编辑操作,(add)
if (!ratingDiff.hash_user.Contains(user1.Key))
ratingDiff.Value += item1Rating - item2Rating; //说明计算过一次
ratingDiff.Freq += ;
} //记录操作人的ID,方便以后再次添加评分
#endregion #region 根据矩阵的值,预测出该Rating中的值
/// <summary>
/// 根据矩阵的值,预测出该Rating中的值
/// </summary>
/// <param name="userRatings"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public IDictionary<int, float> Predict(List<Product> userRatings)
Dictionary<int, float> predictions = new Dictionary<int, float>(); var productIDs = userRatings.Select(i => i.ProductID).ToList(); //循环遍历_Items中所有的Items
foreach (var itemId in this.hash_items)
if (productIDs.Contains(itemId))
continue; Rating itemRating = new Rating(); // 内层遍历userRatings
foreach (var userRating in userRatings)
if (userRating.ProductID == itemId)
continue; int inputItemId = userRating.ProductID; //获取该key对应项目的两组AVG的值
var key = Tools.GetKey(itemId, inputItemId); if (dic_Martix.Keys.Contains(key))
Rating diff = dic_Martix[key]; //关键点:运用公式求解(这边为了节省空间,对角线两侧的值呈现奇函数的特性)
itemRating.Value += diff.Freq * (userRating.Score + diff.AverageValue * ((itemId < inputItemId) ? : -)); //关键点:运用公式求解 累计每两组的人数
itemRating.Freq += diff.Freq;
} predictions.Add(itemId, itemRating.AverageValue);
} return predictions;
#endregion #region 工具类
/// <summary>
/// 工具类
/// </summary>
public class Tools
public static string GetKey(int Item1Id, int Item2Id)
return (Item1Id < Item2Id) ? Item1Id + "->" + Item2Id : Item2Id + "->" + Item1Id;
4: 测试类Program
这里我们灌入了userid=1000,2000,3000的这三个人,然后我们预测userID=3000这个人对 “彩电” 的打分会是多少?
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
SlopeOne test = new SlopeOne(); Dictionary<int, List<Product>> userRating = new Dictionary<int, List<Product>>(); //第一位用户
List<Product> list = new List<Product>()
new Product(){ ProductID=, ProductName="洗衣机",Score=},
new Product(){ ProductID=, ProductName="电冰箱", Score=},
new Product(){ ProductID=, ProductName="彩电", Score=},
new Product(){ ProductID=, ProductName="空调", Score=},
}; userRating.Add(, list); test.AddUserRatings(userRating); userRating.Clear();
userRating.Add(, list); test.AddUserRatings(userRating); //第二位用户
list = new List<Product>()
new Product(){ ProductID=, ProductName="洗衣机",Score=},
new Product(){ ProductID=, ProductName="电冰箱", Score=},
new Product(){ ProductID=, ProductName="彩电", Score=},
new Product(){ ProductID=, ProductName="空调", Score=},
}; userRating.Clear();
userRating.Add(, list); test.AddUserRatings(userRating); //第三位用户
list = new List<Product>()
new Product(){ ProductID=, ProductName="洗衣机", Score=},
new Product(){ ProductID=, ProductName="电冰箱", Score=},
new Product(){ ProductID=, ProductName="空调", Score=},
}; userRating.Clear();
userRating.Add(, list); test.AddUserRatings(userRating); //那么我们预测userID=3000这个人对 “彩电” 的打分会是多少?
var userID = userRating.Keys.FirstOrDefault();
var result = userRating[userID]; var predictions = test.Predict(result); foreach (var rating in predictions)
Console.WriteLine("ProductID= " + rating.Key + " Rating: " + rating.Value);
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