

TensorFlow has APIs available in several languages both for constructing and executing a TensorFlow graph. The Python API is at present the most complete and the easiest to use, but the C++ API may offer some performance advantages in graph execution, and supports deployment to small devices such as Android.

TensorFlow 对构造和运行一个TensorFlow graph 提供多种语言的API。其中Python API 是最完整且最易用的,但是C++ PAI在执行时有更多的性能优势,而且支持部署在诸如Android的小型设备上。

Over time, we hope that the TensorFlow community will develop front ends for languages like Go, Java, Javascript, Lua R, and perhaps others. With SWIG, it's relatively easy to contribute a TensorFlow interface to your favorite language.

以后,我们希望TnesorFlow社区可以开发如Go,Java,Javascript,Lua R或者其他的语言版本。通过使用SWIG,你可以很容易使用自己喜欢的语言去调用TensorFlow接口。

Note: Many practical aspects of usage are covered in the Mechanics tab, and some additional documentation not specific to any particular language API is available in the Resources tab.

注意:许多使用的方法都包含在Mechanics tab中,一些额外不指定特定语言的API文档可以在Resources tab中找到。

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