Let us have fun with CrunchBase API.

What can CrunchBase API give us?

  They said:

    https://developer.crunchbase.com/docs             ( By the way, their API web testing page is supported by http://3scale.net  which is so great for demonstrating the API usage for developers! )

The CrunchBase API gives developers access to query the CrunchBase Dataset for both paginated lists of specific types of Items (e.g., Companies) and details about individual Items (e.g., the properties and relationships of a specific Company).

Developers can navigate through the Dataset by retrieving and inspecting individual Items and their relationships. Each detailed Item response includes not only the properties of the Item (e.g., a Company's name, founding date, and profile image) but also a list of all of its relationship types (e.g., "competitors", "current_team").

  This is so cool !!!

Let's have fun!

There is a Python lib for crunchbase API. Try this one download if you want.


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