There are many evaluation measures available like entropy, recall, precision, F-measure, silhouette co-efficient, purity, inverse purity for improving cluster's accuracy, efficiency and result.

1.  Recall=A/(A+B), where A is the true positive, B is the false negative

Pecision = A/(A+C), where C is the false positive

     F-measure=2*Precision*recall/ (precision+recall)

2.      Purity, Silhouette co-efficient:

Evaluation Clustering methods的更多相关文章

  1. Clustering Methods: Benefits and Limitations


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  3. scikit-learn(project中用的相对较多的模型介绍):2.3. Clustering(可用于特征的无监督降维)

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  8. PP: Toeplitz Inverse Covariance-Based Clustering of Multivariate Time Series Data

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  9. 论文解读(DFCN)《Deep Fusion Clustering Network》

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