Android Volley gives me 400 error
I had the same problem and i removed from the header:
headers.put("Content-Type", "application/json");
now it works great!
I'm trying to make a
I get the following error:
I have seen a lot of examples and I don't really see what is going wrong here. Anyone any idea? I updated the code with this method:
and changed
Still getting the same error! |
I had the same problem and i removed from the header:
now it works great!
400 indicates a bad request, maybe you're missing |
I've got this error and now Iit's been fixed. I did what is told in this link. What you need to do is
Hope this helps. |
I have removed this params.put("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); This is my Code Change.
I have the same issue before and I got the solution in my project:
In the code Snippet above I used Post Method: My answer is base on my experience and so take note: 1.) When using POST method use "StringRequest" instead of "JsonObjectRequest" 2.) inside getHeaders Override the value with an Empty HashMap
And everything works in my case. |
In Android 2.3 there is a problem using Base64.encodeToString() as it introduces a new line in HTTP header. See my response to this question here in SO. Short answer: Don't use Base64.encodeToString() but put the already encoded String there. |
400 error is because Content-Type is set wrong. Please do the following.
There can be multiple reasons for this error. One ofcouse as said by others is, maybe you are missing or have improperly set 'Content-type' header. If you are properly implemented that, other possible reason is that you are sending params directly from your url. There may be a case when params is a string with some white spaces in it. These white spaces cause problem in GET requests through volley. You need to find another way around it. Thats all. |
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