Understanding Chan Chan's in Go
A channel describes a transport of sorts. You can send a thing down that transport. When using a chan chan, the thing you want to send down the transport is another transport to send things back.
They are useful when you want to get a response to something, and you don’t want to setup two channels (it’s generally considered bad practice to have data moving bidirectionally on a single channel)
Visual time lapse walkthrough
Keep in mind that Goroutine C is the “real consumer” even though it will be the one which writes to the request channel.
The request channel starts out empty.
Goroutine C passes a “response channel” to go routine D via the request channel
Goroutine C starts reading from the (still empty) response channel.
Goroutine D writes a string to the response channel
Goroutine C now is able to read a value from response channel, and get’s the “wassup!” message
And now we are back to where we started
Here is some code that uses chan chan’s
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This code can be run on Go playground
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