LeetCode: 5. Longest Palindromic Substring

class Solution {
string longestPalindrome(string s) {
int n = s.length();
int longestBegin = 0;
int maxLen = 1;
bool table[1000][1000] = {false};
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
table[i][i] = true;
for (int i = 0; i < n-1; i++) {
if (s[i] == s[i+1]) {
table[i][i+1] = true;
start = i;
maxLen = 2;
}//检查是否存在"aa"这样的 for (int len = 3; len <= n; len++) {
for (int i = 0; i < n-len+1; i++) {
int j = i+len-1;
if (s[i] == s[j] && table[i+1][j-1]) {
table[i][j] = true;
start = i;
maxLen = len;
return s.substr(start, maxLen);

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