I compiled the dmlc-core and rabbit.
When I compile the new version of CXXNET, there are compile errors such as :
d:\cxxnet\new\cxxnet-master\src\utils./thread.h(36): error C2039: 'Assert' : is not a member of 'cxxnet::utils' (......\src\io\data.cpp)
1>......\src\io\data.cpp(46): error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'ImageRecordIOIterator'
1>......\src\io\data.cpp(46): error C2512: 'cxxnet::AugmentIterator' : no appropriate default constructor available
I fix these error by copying the code of "rabit::Util::Assert " to the namespace utils in thead.h and add the following line in the file "iter_image_recordio-inl.hpp"
define DMLC_USE_CXX11 1
Then the build is succeeded without any error now.
BTW, I am using VS2013、CUDA7 on windows 7. I did two other modification:
1) If someone use CUDA7, he should modified these .vcxproj with a text editor to change "CUDA 6.5." to "CUDA 7.0." in these files.
2) I disabled the optimization by choosing "Disabled (/Od)" in C/C++ -> Optimization
I have no time to test the CXXNET further
In your case one was linked against the CRT DLL (/MD) and the other was linked statically (/MT).
You just need to make sure both match and this error will go away.
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