a memo for redis 64 operations

  1. start server in console:
  2. 1. D:\>cd redis64
  3. 2. D:\redis64>redis-server.exe redis.windows.conf
  4. _._
  5. _.-``__ ''-._
  6. _.-`` `. `_. ''-._ Redis 2.8.2101 (00000000/0) 64 bit
  7. .-`` .-```. ```\/ _.,_ ''-._
  8. ( ' , .-` | `, ) Running in stand alone mode
  9. |`-._`-...-` __...-.``-._|'` _.-'| Port: 6379
  10. | `-._ `._ / _.-' | PID: 6252
  11. `-._ `-._ `-./ _.-' _.-'
  12. |`-._`-._ `-.__.-' _.-'_.-'|
  13. | `-._`-._ _.-'_.-' | http://redis.io
  14. `-._ `-._`-.__.-'_.-' _.-'
  15. |`-._`-._ `-.__.-' _.-'_.-'|
  16. | `-._`-._ _.-'_.-' |
  17. `-._ `-._`-.__.-'_.-' _.-'
  18. `-._ `-.__.-' _.-'
  19. `-._ _.-'
  20. `-.__.-'
  22. [6252] 01 Dec 10:13:27.169 # Server started, Redis version 2.8.2101
  23. [6252] 01 Dec 10:13:27.170 * The server is now ready to accept connections on port 6379
  25. start server in services:
  26. 1. D:\redis64>redis-server --service-install redis.windows.conf --loglevel verbose
  27. [5660] 01 Dec 10:20:09.677 # Granting read/write access to 'NT AUTHORITY\Network Service' on: "D:\redis64" "D:\redis64\"
  28. [5660] 01 Dec 10:20:09.678 # Redis successfully installed as a service.
  30. 2. D:\redis64>redis-server --service-start
  31. [5632] 01 Dec 10:24:08.241 # Redis service successfully started.
  33. start client
  35. D:\redis64>redis-cli.exe
  36.> set age 10
  37. OK
  38.> set foo bar
  39. OK
  40.> get age
  41. "10"
  42.> get foo
  43. "bar"
  44.> keys *
  45. 1) "foo"
  46. 2) "age"
  47.> keys foo
  48. 1) "foo"
  49.> set foo std
  50. OK
  51.> get foo
  52. "std"
  53.> keys foo
  54. 1) "foo"
  55.> exit
  57. D:\redis64>

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