I love sneakers!

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 4919    Accepted Submission(s): 2022

Problem Description
months of hard working, Iserlohn finally wins awesome amount of
scholarship. As a great zealot of sneakers, he decides to spend all his
money on them in a sneaker store.

are several brands of sneakers that Iserlohn wants to collect, such as
Air Jordan and Nike Pro. And each brand has released various products.
For the reason that Iserlohn is definitely a sneaker-mania, he desires
to buy at least one product for each brand.
Although the fixed price
of each product has been labeled, Iserlohn sets values for each of them
based on his own tendency. With handsome but limited money, he wants to
maximize the total value of the shoes he is going to buy. Obviously, as a
collector, he won’t buy the same product twice.
Now, Iserlohn needs
you to help him find the best solution of his problem, which means to
maximize the total value of the products he can buy.
contains multiple test cases. Each test case begins with three integers
1<=N<=100 representing the total number of products, 1 <=
M<= 10000 the money Iserlohn gets, and 1<=K<=10 representing
the sneaker brands. The following N lines each represents a product with
three positive integers 1<=a<=k, b and c, 0<=b,c<100000,
meaning the brand’s number it belongs, the labeled price, and the value
of this product. Process to End Of File.
each test case, print an integer which is the maximum total value of
the sneakers that Iserlohn purchases. Print "Impossible" if Iserlohn's
demands can’t be satisfied.
Sample Input
5 10000 3
1 4 6
2 5 7
3 4 99
1 55 77
2 44 66
Sample Output
if(dp[k][v-price[i]] != -1)
        dp[k][v] = max(dp[k][v] , dp[k][v - price[i]] + value[i]);
if(dp[k-1][v-price[i]] != -1 )
        dp[k][v] = max(dp[k][v] , dp[k-1][v-price[i]] + value[i]);
解释:顺序不能调转,因为如果代价为0,调转的话,有可能出现先有dp[k][v] = dp[k-1][v-0]+v,再有dp[k][v] =dp[k][v-0]+v = dp[k-1][v-0]+v+v,所以物品取了两次.
当然一种方便的解决办法是直接写个函数 a = max(a,b,c);
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#define N 10005
using namespace std; int dp[][N]; ///dp[k][i] 代表在前k组中花费i取得的最大价值
int a[],price[],value[];
int main()
int n,m,K;
for(int i=; i<=n; i++)
memset(dp,-,sizeof(dp)); ///-1表示状态不合法
for(int i=; i<=m; i++) dp[][i]=;
for(int k=; k<=K; k++)
for(int i=; i<=n; i++)
for(int v=m; v>=price[i]; v--)
if(dp[k][v-price[i]] != -)
dp[k][v] = max(dp[k][v] , dp[k][v - price[i]] + value[i]);
if(dp[k-][v-price[i]] != - )
dp[k][v] = max(dp[k][v] , dp[k-][v-price[i]] + value[i]);
if(dp[K][m]==-) printf("Impossible\n");
else printf("%d\n",dp[K][m]);
return ;

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