【Ray Tracing in One Weekend 超详解】 光线追踪1-10
《Ray Tracing in One Weekend》完结篇
这篇之后,我会继续《Ray Tracing The Next Week》,还请多多关注
我们之前是在ray这个最基本的类中定义了一些基本的命名,尔后,发现,所有的东西都要用ray::val_type诸如此类的代码去描述光线追踪所用到的一些普遍类型,这个非常麻烦,代码也长,后来,我们将它们移出了ray-class,放在了namespace rt中,但是,仍然放在ray文件中,这个很不合理,所以我们定义了一个RTdef.h,专门用于定义一些光线追踪的常量和命名
/// RTdef.h // -----------------------------------------------------
// [author] lv
// [begin ] 2019.1.1
// [brief ] the basic concept of rt
// -----------------------------------------------------
#pragma once #include <lvgm\type_vec\type_vec.h> //https://www.cnblogs.com/lv-anchoret/p/10163085.html
#include <lvgm\opticsfunc.hpp> //https://www.cnblogs.com/lv-anchoret/p/10241904.html
#include <lvgm\randfunc.hpp> //https://www.cnblogs.com/lv-anchoret/p/10241904.html namespace rt
using rtvar = lvgm::precision; using rtvec = lvgm::vec3<rtvar>; constexpr static rtvar rtInf() { return static_cast<rtvar>(0x3f3f3f3f); } //最大值 constexpr rtvar π = 3.1415926; }
/// ray.h // -----------------------------------------------------
// [author] lv
// [begin ] 2018.12
// [brief ] the ray-class for the ray-tracing project
// from the 《ray tracing in one week》
// -----------------------------------------------------
#pragma once #include "RTdef.h" namespace rt
{ class ray
:_a{ rtvec() }
, _b{ rtvec() }
{ } ray(const rtvec& a, const rtvec& b)
, _b(b)
{ } ray(const ray& r)
, _b(r._b)
{ } inline rtvec origin()const { return _a; } inline rtvec direction()const { return _b; } inline rtvec go(const rtvar t)const { return _a + t * _b; } private:
rtvec _a; rtvec _b; };
/// camera.h
// -----------------------------------------------------
// [author] lv
// [begin ] 2019.1
// [brief ] the camera-class for the ray-tracing project
// from the 《ray tracing in one week》
// ----------------------------------------------------- #pragma once #include "ray.h" namespace rt
{ class camera
camera(rtvec lookfrom, rtvec lookat, rtvec vup, rtvar vfov, rtvar aspect, rtvar aperture, rtvar focus)
, _lens_radius(aperture / )
rtvar theta = vfov * π / ;
rtvar half_height = tan(theta / ) * focus; //tan(theta/2) = (height/2) / 焦距
rtvar half_width = aspect * half_height;
_w = (lookfrom - lookat).ret_unitization();
_u = cross(vup, _w).ret_unitization();
_v = cross(_w, _u); //向量运算
_start = _eye - half_width * _u - half_height * _v - focus * _w;//高和宽都乘了焦距,w也要乘,不然公式是错的
_horizontal = * half_width * _u;
_vertical = * half_height * _v;
} const ray get_ray(const rtvar u, const rtvar v)const
rtvec rd = rtvec(_lens_radius * lvgm::random_unit_plane());
rtvec offset = _u * rd.x() + _v * rd.y();
return ray{ _eye + offset, _start + u*_horizontal + v*_vertical - (_eye + offset) };
} const ray get_ray(const lvgm::vec2<rtvar>& para)const { return get_ray(para.u(), para.v()); } inline const rtvec& eye()const { return _eye; } inline const rtvec& start()const { return _start; } inline const rtvec& horizontal()const { return _horizontal; } inline const rtvec& vertical()const { return _vertical; } inline const rtvec& u()const { return _u; } inline const rtvec& v()const { return _v; } inline const rtvec& w()const { return _w; } inline const rtvar lens_r()const { return _lens_radius; } private:
rtvec _u; rtvec _v; rtvec _w; rtvec _eye; rtvec _start; //left-bottom rtvec _horizontal; rtvec _vertical; rtvar _lens_radius; //the radius of lens }; }
/// intersect.h
// -----------------------------------------------------
// [author] lv
// [begin ] 2018.12
// [brief ] the intersect-class for the ray-tracing project
// from the 《ray tracing in one week》
// -----------------------------------------------------
#pragma once namespace rt
class material; struct hitInfo
lvgm::precision _t; //ray 中的系数t
rtvec _p; //相交点、撞击点
rtvec _n; //_p点的表面法线
material* materialp; //材质
}; class intersect
intersect() { } /*
@brief: 撞击函数,求取撞击点相关记录信息
@param: sight->视线
@retur: 是否存在合法撞击点
virtual bool hit(const ray& sight, rtvar t_min, rtvar t_max, hitInfo& rec)const = ; virtual ~intersect() { }
}; }
/// intersections.h
// https://www.cnblogs.com/lv-anchoret/p/10190092.html // -----------------------------------------------------
// [author] lv
// [begin ] 2018.12
// [brief ] the intersections-class for the ray-tracing project
// from the 《ray tracing in one week》
// -----------------------------------------------------
#pragma once namespace rt
{ class intersections :public intersect
intersections() { } intersections(intersect** list, size_t n) :_list(list), _size(n) { } virtual bool hit(const ray& sight, rtvar t_min, rtvar t_max, hitInfo& rec)const override; private:
intersect** _list; size_t _size;
}; bool intersections::hit(const ray& sight, rtvar t_min, rtvar t_max, hitInfo& rec)const
hitInfo t_rec;
bool hitSomething = false;
rtvar far = t_max; //刚开始可以看到无限远
for (int i = ; i < _size; ++i)
if (_list[i]->hit(sight, t_min, far, t_rec))
hitSomething = true;
far = t_rec._t; //将上一次的最近撞击点作为视线可达最远处
rec = t_rec;
return hitSomething;
} }
/// sphere.h
// https://www.cnblogs.com/lv-anchoret/p/10190092.html
// -----------------------------------------------------
// [author] lv
// [begin ] 2018.1.1
// [brief ] the sphere-class for the ray-tracing project
// from the 《ray tracing in one week》
// -----------------------------------------------------
#pragma once namespace rt
{ class sphere :public intersect
sphere() { } /*
@para1: 球心坐标
@para2: 球半径
@para3: 材质
sphere(const rtvec& h, rtvar r, material* ma) :_heart(h), _radius(r), _materialp(ma) { } ~sphere() { if (_materialp) delete _materialp; } virtual bool hit(const ray& sight, rtvar t_min, rtvar t_max, hitInfo& rec)const override; inline const rtvar r()const { return _radius; } inline const rtvec& heart()const { return _heart; } inline rtvar& r() { return _radius; } inline rtvec& heart() { return _heart; } private:
rtvec _heart; rtvar _radius; material* _materialp;
}; bool sphere::hit(const ray& sight, rtvar t_min, rtvar t_max, hitInfo& rec)const
rtvec trace = sight.origin() - _heart;
rtvar a = dot(sight.direction(), sight.direction());
rtvar b = 2.0 * dot(trace, sight.direction());
rtvar c = dot(trace, trace) - _radius * _radius;
rtvar delt = b*b - 4.0*a*c;
if (delt > )
rec.materialp = _materialp;
rtvar x = (-b - sqrt(delt)) / (2.0*a);
if (x < t_max && x > t_min)
rec._t = x;
rec._p = sight.go(rec._t);
rec._n = (rec._p - _heart) / _radius;
return true;
x = (-b + sqrt(delt)) / (2.0*a);
if (x < t_max && x > t_min)
rec._t = x;
rec._p = sight.go(x);
rec._n = (rec._p - _heart) / _radius;
return true;
return false;
} }
/// RThit.h
// https://www.cnblogs.com/lv-anchoret/p/10190092.html // -----------------------------------------------------
// [author] lv
// [begin ] 2019.1
// [brief ] some intersects
// intersections
// sphere
// heart
// ----------------------------------------------------- #pragma once #include "ray.h"
#include "intersect.h" #include "sphere.hpp"
#include "intersections.hpp"
/// material.h // -----------------------------------------------------
// [author] lv
// [begin ] 2018.12
// [brief ] the material-class for the ray-tracing project
// from the 《ray tracing in one week》
// -----------------------------------------------------
#pragma once namespace rt
{ //abstract basic class
class material
public: /*
@brief: produce a scattered ray
@param: InRay -> Incident light
info -> the information of intersect-point(hit-point)
attenuation -> when scattered, how much the ray should be attenuated by tis reflectance R
scattered -> as we talk, it is a new sight; or
it is the scattered ray with the intersect-point
@retur: the function calculate a scattered ray or not
virtual bool scatter(const ray& InRay, const hitInfo& info, rtvec& attenuation, ray& scattered)const = ; }; }
/// diffuse.hpp
// https://www.cnblogs.com/lv-anchoret/p/10198423.html // -----------------------------------------------------
// [author] lv
// [begin ] 2018.12
// [brief ] one of the materials
// ----------------------------------------------------- #pragma once namespace rt
//diffuse material
class lambertian : public material
lambertian(const rtvec& a) :_albedo(a) { } bool scatter(const ray& rIn, const hitInfo& info, rtvec& attenuation, ray& scattered)const override
rtvec target = info._p + info._n + lvgm::random_unit_sphere();
scattered = ray{ info._p, target - info._p };
attenuation = _albedo;
return true;
protected: rtvec _albedo;
}; }
/// metal.hpp
// https://www.cnblogs.com/lv-anchoret/p/10206773.html // -----------------------------------------------------
// [author] lv
// [begin ] 2018.12
// [brief ] one of the materials
// ----------------------------------------------------- #pragma once namespace rt
//metal material
class metal :public material
public: metal(const rtvec& a, const rtvar f = .) :_albedo(a)
if (f < && f >= )_fuzz = f;
else _fuzz = ;
} virtual bool scatter(const ray& rIn, const hitInfo& info, rtvec& attenuation, ray& scattered)const
rtvec target = reflect(rIn.direction().ret_unitization(), info._n);
scattered = ray{ info._p, target + _fuzz * lvgm::random_unit_sphere() };
attenuation = _albedo;
return dot(scattered.direction(), info._n) != ;
} inline static rtvec reflect(const rtvec& in, const rtvec& n) { return in - * dot(in, n)*n; } protected: rtvec _albedo; rtvar _fuzz;
}; }
/// dielectric.hpp
// https://www.cnblogs.com/lv-anchoret/p/10217719.html // -----------------------------------------------------
// [author] lv
// [begin ] 2019.1
// [brief ] one of the materials
// -----------------------------------------------------
#pragma once namespace rt
class dielectric :public material
dielectric(const rtvar RI) :_RI(RI) { } virtual bool scatter(const ray& InRay, const hitInfo& info, rtvec& attenuation, ray& scattered)const override; protected:
rtvar _RI; inline rtvar schlick(const rtvar cosine)const;
}; bool dielectric::scatter(const ray& InRay, const hitInfo& info, rtvec& attenuation, ray& scattered)const
rtvec outward_normal;
rtvec refracted;
rtvec reflected = reflect(InRay.direction(), info._n);
rtvar eta;
rtvar reflect_prob;
rtvar cos;
attenuation = rtvec(., ., .); if (dot(InRay.direction(), info._n) > )
outward_normal = -info._n;
eta = _RI;
cos = _RI * dot(InRay.direction(), info._n) / InRay.direction().normal();
outward_normal = info._n;
eta = 1.0 / _RI;
cos = -dot(InRay.direction(), info._n) / InRay.direction().normal();
} if (refract(InRay.direction(), outward_normal, eta, refracted))
reflect_prob = schlick(cos); //如果有折射,计算反射系数
reflect_prob = 1.0; //如果没有折射,那么为全反射 if (lvgm::rand01() < reflect_prob)
scattered = ray(info._p, reflected);
scattered = ray(info._p, refracted); return true;
} inline rtvar dielectric::schlick(const rtvar cosine)const
rtvar r0 = (. - _RI) / (. + _RI);
r0 *= r0;
return r0 + ( - r0)*pow(( - cosine), );
/// RTmaterial.h // -----------------------------------------------------
// [author] lv
// [begin ] 2019.1
// [brief ] some materials
// diffuse
// metal
// dielectric
// -----------------------------------------------------
#pragma once #include "ray.h"
#include "intersect.h"
#include "material.h" #include "diffuse.hpp"
#include "metal.hpp"
#include "dielectric.hpp"
#define LOWPRECISION #include <fstream>
#include "RTmaterial.h"
#include "RThit.h"
#include "camera.h"
#define stds std::
using namespace rt; rtvec lerp(const ray& sight, intersect* world, int depth)
hitInfo info;
if (world->hit(sight, (rtvar)0.001, rtInf(), info))
ray scattered;
rtvec attenuation;
if (depth < && info.materialp->scatter(sight, info, attenuation, scattered))
return attenuation * lerp(scattered, world, depth + );
return rtvec(, , );
rtvec unit_dir = sight.direction().ret_unitization();
rtvar t = 0.5*(unit_dir.y() + .);
return (. - t)*rtvec(., ., .) + t*rtvec(0.5, 0.7, 1.0);
} intersect* random_sphere()
int cnt = ;
intersect **list = new intersect*[cnt + ];
list[] = new sphere(rtvec(, -, ), , new lambertian(rtvec(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)));
int size = ;
for (int a = -; a < ; ++a)
for (int b = -; b < ; ++b)
rtvar choose_mat = lvgm::rand01();
rtvec center(a + 0.9 * lvgm::rand01(), 0.2, b + 0.9*lvgm::rand01());
if ((center - rtvec(, 0.2, )).normal()>0.9)
if (choose_mat < 0.75)
list[size++] = new sphere(center, 0.2, new lambertian(rtvec(lvgm::rand01()*lvgm::rand01(), lvgm::rand01()*lvgm::rand01(), lvgm::rand01()*lvgm::rand01())));
else if (choose_mat < 0.9)
list[size++] = new sphere(center, 0.2, new metal(rtvec(0.5*( + lvgm::rand01()), 0.5*( + lvgm::rand01()), 0.5*( + lvgm::rand01())), 0.5*lvgm::rand01()));
list[size++] = new sphere(center, 0.2, new dielectric(1.5));
} list[size++] = new sphere(rtvec(, , ), 1.0, new dielectric(1.5));
list[size++] = new sphere(rtvec(-, , ), 1.0, new lambertian(rtvec(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)));
list[size++] = new sphere(rtvec(, , ), 1.0, new metal(rtvec(0.7, 0.6, 0.5), .)); return new intersections(list, size);
} void build_12_1()
stds ofstream file("graph12-1.ppm");
size_t W = , H = , sample = ; if (file.is_open())
file << "P3\n" << W << " " << H << "\n255\n" << stds endl; intersect* world = random_sphere(); rtvec lookfrom(, , );
rtvec lookat(, , );
float dist_to_focus = (lookfrom - lookat).normal();
float aperture = 0.0;
camera cma(lookfrom, lookat, rtvec(, , ), , rtvar(W) / rtvar(H), aperture, 0.7*dist_to_focus); for (int y = H - ; y >= ; --y)
for (int x = ; x < W; ++x)
rtvec color;
for (int cnt = ; cnt < sample; ++cnt)
lvgm::vec2<rtvar> para{
(lvgm::rand01() + x) / W,
(lvgm::rand01() + y) / H };
color += lerp(cma.get_ray(para), world, );
color /= sample;
color = rtvec(sqrt(color.r()), sqrt(color.g()), sqrt(color.b())); //gamma 校正
int r = int(255.99 * color.r());
int g = int(255.99 * color.g());
int b = int(255.99 * color.b());
file << r << " " << g << " " << b << stds endl;
file.close(); if (world)delete world; stds cout << "complished" << stds endl;
stds cerr << "open file error" << stds endl;
} int main()
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