

  1. com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'update
  2. goods g
  3. SET
  4. update_date = '2019-03-19 17:16:05.918',
  5. updat' at line 28


使用【https://www.cnblogs.com/sxdcgaq8080/p/9100178.html】 打印了sql,发现sql如下,也没有问题:

  1. UPDATE goods
  2. SET update_date = '2019-03-19 17:12:30',
  3. update_id = 'defUserId',
  4. enabled = 1,
  5. NAME = '李钢的屏幕维修服务',
  6. py_all = 'ligangdepingmuweixiufuwu',
  7. py_head = 'lgdpmwxfw',
  8. outer_code = '345345345345',
  9. mnemonic_code = '',
  10. del_flag = 0,
  11. enabled_flag = 1,
  12. goods_type_uid = 'a5cd4e8cc75456e7',
  13. url = '',
  14. bar_cide = '',
  15. sale_price = NULL,
  16. integral = 0,
  17. scan_name = '李钢的屏幕维修服务',
  18. brand_uid = '01',
  19. en_name = '李钢的屏幕维修服务'
  20. WHERE
  21. outer_id = '345345345345'
  22. AND tenement_id = 'test_tenement_123';
  24. UPDATE goods
  25. SET update_date = '2019-03-19 17:12:30',
  26. update_id = 'defUserId',
  27. enabled = 1,
  28. NAME = '黑莓798',
  29. py_all = 'heimei798',
  30. py_head = 'hm798',
  31. outer_code = '453975973361094656',
  32. mnemonic_code = '',
  33. del_flag = 0,
  34. enabled_flag = 1,
  35. goods_type_uid = 'a5cd4e8cc75456e7',
  36. url = '',
  37. bar_cide = '',
  38. sale_price = NULL,
  39. integral = 0,
  40. scan_name = '黑莓798',
  41. brand_uid = '01',
  42. en_name = '黑莓798'
  43. WHERE
  44. outer_id = '453975973361094656'
  45. AND tenement_id = 'test_tenement_123';
  47. UPDATE goods
  48. SET update_date = '2019-03-19 17:12:30',
  49. update_id = 'defUserId',
  50. enabled = 1,
  51. NAME = '测试商品',
  52. py_all = 'ceshishangpin',
  53. py_head = 'cssp',
  54. outer_code = 'CS001',
  55. mnemonic_code = '',
  56. del_flag = 0,
  57. enabled_flag = 1,
  58. goods_type_uid = 'a5cd4e8cc75456e7',
  59. url = '',
  60. bar_cide = '',
  61. sale_price = NULL,
  62. integral = 0,
  63. scan_name = '测试商品',
  64. brand_uid = '01',
  65. en_name = 'test
  66. product'
  67. WHERE
  68. outer_id = 'CS001'
  69. AND tenement_id = 'test_tenement_123'


  1. 是因为spring boot配置文件中,关于数据库的连接配置,并没有允许进行批量更新的操作


  1. 将数据库配置修改为
  3. 新增了 &allowMultiQueries=true 意为 允许批量更新


  1. 加了&allowMultiQueries=true 意为 允许批量更新
  3. 但是此时如果再想在spring boot中运行mybatis的时候想打印出来sql,就已经不起作用了。
  5. 此时按照
  6. https://www.cnblogs.com/sxdcgaq8080/p/9100178.html
  7. 配置的,在spring boot中打印sql语句,就无效了

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