basic english
see look color dark light beautiful shade
black blue brown clear gray green orange red yellow white
brass:黄铜色 copper:紫红色(像黑的) gold silver sky:天空蓝 olive 橄榄绿 smoke 烟灰色 coffee 咖啡色
about across after against among at between by in with forward here over under up down on off direction distance noryh south east weatr left right front back higt low far near
about after at before between till while again ever:总是;曾经;始终 now still tomorrow
yesterday second minute day week month year fall spring winter summer night time clock first second last morning late slow quick
animal ant bee bird cat cow dog egg fish fly fowl: 家禽;鸟类的总称 goat horse insect monkey pig sheep snake rat sponge:海绵 worm:蠕虫 hyena 鬣狗这个子读作lie- gou ,也可以称为土狼
food and drink
apple berry:浆果;梅 bread butter cake cheese drink egg food fish fruit grain:谷物 meal:一顿饭 meat milk nut orange potato rice root salt seed soup sugar water wine international alcohol beef beer chocolate champange citron:柠檬;香橼 coffee cocktail cognac:kɒnjæk 白兰地 liquer:烈性甜酒 macaroni 通心粉 olive omelet:煎蛋卷 rum:兰姆酒 salad sardine沙丁鱼 tapioca:木薯淀粉 tea toast:烤面包片 vodka whisky vanila 香精
household 家庭
building bread butter canvas:帆布;画布 cloth drink family food linen:亚麻布,亚麻织品 meal milk money play rice room silk:蚕丝;丝绸 sleep soup step sugar vessel:器皿;血管;导管 walk wash wine wool:毛;毛织物;毛织品 basket bath:浴缸;洗浴 bed bell:铃声 blade:刀片;刀身;刀刃 book board boot:靴子;行李箱;猛踢 bottle:瓶子,一瓶酒 box :箱子;包厢 brick:砖头,可靠的朋友 brush bucket bulb:电灯泡 cake camera card cart:手推车,手拉车,运货马车 carriage chain cheese chest:胸部;胸膛;大箱子 clock:时钟,钟 coat:外套;上衣 collar:衣领;领子 comb:梳子 cord:粗线,细绳,灯芯绒裤子 cup:杯子 curtain:窗帘;帷幕 cushion:软垫,坐垫,靠垫(类似于枕头的东西) door drain:下水道,排水管 drawer dress:连衣裙;衣服 flag floor fork frame:各种东西事情的框架 glove:手套 hat jewel kettle key knot knife lock:锁上,锁住 map match:火柴,敌手 nail:指甲,钉子,钉 needle:各种针 oven:烤炉烤箱 parcel pen pencil :铅笔 picture pin:大头针,别针 pipe:管子,管道,烟斗,管乐器 plate:盘子,碟子,一道主菜 plow:犁,北斗七星;开路,破浪前进 pot:锅,罐,,容器 seat:座位,座椅
pump:抽水机;泵;打气筒;轻便帆布鞋 rail:栏杆;扶手 轨道 ring:指环;环状物;圆形 rod :棍棒;手枪 roof screw:螺丝钉;性交 shelf 书架;架子;隔板 shirt 衬衫 shoe:鞋 skirt:衣裙;挡板 sock:短袜;猛击重击 spade 铁锹,黑桃,黑桃牌 sponge:海绵 spoon :勺子 stamp:邮票;印章 stick:刺,插,放置 stocking:长筒袜 table thread:线,线索;思路 ticket:票;券,彩票;标签 tray:盘;托盘;塑料盒 trousers:裤子 umbrella wall watch:表 wheel:轮子;车轮;汽车 whip:鞭子,拉动;抽出;除去 whistle:哨子;吹口哨;口哨 wire:金属丝,电线;导线 window
boot button coat collar dress:连衣裙,衣服 glove hat shirt shoe:鞋 silk sock:袜子 stocking trousers:裤子 umbrella watch
wire wheel spade screw:性交;螺丝 rod:杆;棍棒;手枪 ring pump plow:北斗七星,犁,似犁的东西 pipe:管子,管道;烟袋,管乐器 pin:大头针,别针,胸牌 needle nail:指甲,钉;钉子 knot knife hook:钩,挂钩;钩钓,曲线球 hammer gun cord:粗线,细绳,灯芯绒裤子 bucket brush blade band:管乐队,一帮人,划分等级
bridge building church hospital house library prison school station store street town train wall:城墙;围墙;壁垒 structure:建造;体系
baby boy daughter family father female friend girl male man married
mother person relation self sister son woman chief cook manager porter:行李员,搬运工;护工;门卫;门房 servant secretary:秘书,干事,文书,部长,大臣 roofer:修理房顶的人 worker
body parts
baby boy bone brain chest chin:下巴 ear eye face fat feather:羽毛 finger foot hair hand head heart horn :角;角质 knee leg lip:嘴唇;边缘 mind mouth muscle neck nose skin stomach tail 尾巴,后续,尾部,后部 throat:咽喉,喉咙 嗓子的 thumb toe:脚趾的 tongue tooth wing cough:咳嗽 dead death disease feeble:虚弱的,无力的,无效的 ill pain:痛苦的 sneeze:打喷嚏
brass:黄铜 copper :铜,警察 glass gold iron leather:皮革,皮革外套
material matal:金属 silver steel:钢铁工业 tin:锡;罐头 wood
brick:砖头,砖;可靠的朋友 canvas cloth linen:亚麻布,亚麻织品 silk tree wool:毛线;毛绒,毛织品
bridge flight harbor sea boat carriage sail:航行;启航 train transport plane:飞机;平面,水平,程度,阶段,境界 rail river road wheel whistle:口哨;哨子声;发出鸣笛声
agreement:协议,契约,一致,应允,同意 business committee:委员会 company:公司,商号,商行,剧团,演出团,陪伴,作伴 competition credit 赊购,信用,学分 贷款 debt development distribution division 分开;分割;分配,不和,差异 exchange growth harbor industry instrument:器械,仪器,手段,仪表 interest:兴趣;关注,趣味;业余爱好;利益 invention :发明;创意;创造;编造;虚构的故事 market manager money oil operation office owner 物主,所有权人,主人
payment 付款,支付,收款,报答,报偿 plant :植物,发电厂 ,种植,设备,大型机器 produce :生产,制造,产出,繁育;造出 profit system trade transport:运输,运送,搬运,传播
art authority :权力;批准;授权 chalk 粉笔 development 发展发育 direction education growth history ink:墨水墨汁油墨 language encylopedia:百科全书 law learning letter信函字母 music news paint paper pen pencil reading:阅读;读本;阅读材料 reason religion rule say science school scissors 剪刀;剪断;删除 square 正方形,四角形的,平方,二次幂 stamp 邮票印章印记 talk teaching test theory thought word writing
political 政治的,政府的,政权的,政党的
act agreement authority committee control country crime debt decison disussion distribution division:分开,分配,不和,差异 education govermment history judge language law meeting nation:国家民族国民 office:办公室 order 顺序,次序,调理,秩序,规定 organization:组织,团体,机构,安排,分配 political:政府的,党派的,政权的 power property:所有物,财务,不动产,庄园 protest:抗议,抗议书,反对,申辩 punishment record religion representative:代表,销售代表,代销人,代表他人者 secretary:秘书,干事,文书,部长,大臣
society:社会,协会,学会 tax 税;税款
army,attack,boat 小船,汽艇,舟,船,company 公司商号剧团演出团,陪伴,作伴 control, country crush:压坏,压伤,压碎 damage death destruction 摧毁,毁灭,破坏 division 分开分隔 分配 分歧,差异,不和 earth effect 效应,影响,结果,财产,所有物,财务 event fight fire flame 火焰,火舌,橘红色,激情 general gun light force harbor land:陆地,大地,地产,落,降落,着陆,登录 map military:军事的,军方的,武装的 operation order:顺序,次序,调理,治安,秩序,规避 organization:组织,团体,机构,安排,配置,分配 peace 和平 太平 平静 宁静 和谐,和睦 融洽,和谐 plane:飞机,平面,水平,程度,阶段,境界,平坦,平的 position:位置,地方,恰当位置,姿势,放置方式,安置,安装 range 一系列,范围,变动,包括 river road sea smash:打碎,破碎猛击,撞开,撞车 扣球,高压球 vessel 大船,轮船,容器,器皿,血管,脉管,导管 support:支持用户赞助
air animal cheese cloud cotton:绵,棉花,棉织物,棉布,棉纱 dust 灰尘 沙尘 earth field:田,地,牧场 farm:农场,农舍,养殖场,饲养场 fruit garden grain谷物,少量,稍微,一点 growth ice land leaf 叶 叶片 叶子 张 页 leather:皮革皮衣皮外套 meat milk moon mountain natural:自然的,天然的,正常的,天生的,本能的,与生俱来的nut plant plow:犁,似犁的工具,北斗七星 price process:过程步骤流程,工序,加工处理,审核,列对进行,缓缓前进 produce 生产制造繁育产生rain 雨 range:一系列,范围,界限,区间,类,种,变化,变动,排列,排序 rice river road salt sand seed sky slope:斜坡,山坡,斜度,坡度,倾斜,有坡度,前行,溜 snow spade star stream:小河,小溪,流,流动,飘动;飘扬 sun thunder water weather wind
algebra addition amount:金额,数量,接近,合计,共计,等同,接近 division greater less number power product root times
geometry: 几何学,几何形状,几何图形,几何结构,
angle arch :拱 调皮的,淘气的,拱门,足背,足弓,呈弓形覆盖 ball circle cord 细绳,粗绳 灯芯绒裤子 curve line plane 飞机,平面,水平,程度,阶段,境界,平坦的,平的 point square solid固体的,坚硬的,实心的,结实的,牢固的 square
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