从GitHub Jobs! 看技术发展趋势! 程序员进阶必备!
GitHub Jobs:
Full Time / San Francisco, California or Remote
Software Engineer - Machine Learning
This team is focused on using Machine Learning for various new GitHub products. As a Machine Learning expert, you will have an unique opportunity to have high impact by advancing these systems, as well as uncovering new opportunities to apply Machine Learning to the GitHub product. You will also play a key role in developing tools and abstractions that our other developers would build on top of.
- Improve our existing Machine Learning systems using core expertise
- Identify new opportunities to apply Machine Learning to different parts of the GitHub product
- Work with other engineers to implement algorithms in an efficient way
- Turn these algorithms into real production services
- Refine and tune production services over time to improve throughput, resource utilization, performance, and other factors as necessary
- Maintain and extend our data collection, storage, and processing infrastructure
- Deep understanding of mathematical foundations of Machine Learning algorithms
- Previous experience building end to end Machine Learning systems
- Strong written and verbal communication skills
- Strong computer science fundamentals (data structures and algorithms)
- Strong understanding of distributed systems
- Proficiency in one or more scripting languages
- Proficiency in one or more typed programming languages
- Understanding of relational database technology and query planning (e.g. MySQL, Postgres, Redshift, Hive, Spark SQL, etc.)
- Understanding of efficient computation en masse (e.g. Hadoop, Tez, Kinesis, Samza, etc.)
资格: 深入理解机器学习算法的数学基础 有经验的教学系统的学习系统 较强的文字和口头沟通能力 强大的计算机科学基础(数据结构和算法) 对分布式系统有较强的理解 精通一种或多个脚本语言 熟练使用一种或多种编程语言 关系数据库技术和查询计划的理解(如MySQL,Postgres,红移,蜂巢,星火SQL,等) 高效计算的集体理解(例如Hadoop,贝尼特斯,室壁运动,samza,等)
About GitHub
Who we are
GitHub is the best place to share code with friends, co-workers, classmates, and complete strangers. Over ten million people use GitHub to build amazing things together. With the collaborative features of GitHub.com, our desktop and mobile apps, and GitHub Enterprise, it has never been easier for individuals and teams to write better code, faster.
We have a lot of exciting things to do, and we’re looking for the right people to grow with us!
Why you should join
Working at GitHub is, to put it simply, a special slice of the universe. We're committed to transparency, collaboration, experimentation, and always staying classy.
Because of this unique perspective, we've established one of the most flexible and well designed physical workspaces around that encourages you to work as you work best. Right now, over 60% of our employees are based outside of our San Francisco (SOMA) headquarters and work according to how they get their best stuff done.
Ensuring that GitHubbers are healthy, motivated, focused and creative is how GitHub stays awesome. Part of this is ensuring that our benefits are out of this world.
In a nutshell, we've built and are growing a place where we truly love working, and we think you will too.
GitHub is made up of people with many different backgrounds and lifestyles, and we like it that way. We invite applications from people of all stripes. We don't discriminate against employees or applicants based on gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, national origin, citizenship, pregnancy status, veteran status, or any other differences that people imagine to discriminate against one another. Also, if you have a disability, please let us know if there's anything we can do to make the interview process better for you; we're happy to accommodate.
*Please note that benefits vary by country, if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask your recruiter!
Full Time / Waltham, Massachusetts
Dev Ops Engineer
Join a leadership voice in healthcare consistently recognized as a Best Place to Work. The Massachusetts Medical Society plays a prominent role in furthering the goal of quality medical care through our advocacy and educational efforts, and healthcare publications including the New England Journal of Medicine.
Play a lead role in release and environment planning, and design, implement, and document enhancements to software development and deployment workflows. As a critical member of a 7x24 response team, you will support electronic publishing efforts for a variety of products and initiatives including the New England Journal of Medicine. Responsibilities include triaging, troubleshooting, and implementing solutions for operational problems, working with product leads and implementation teams to meet priorities, and offering suggestions and solutions to business problems.
Responsibilities include:
- Configures and administers development, staging, and production server environments including IIS, JBoss, Windows Server, and a variety of UNIX implementations, locally and in the Cloud.
- As a 7x24 on-call team member, responds to production issues in real time, troubleshoots, triages, and implements fixes.
- Contributes to release and environment plans for online applications, working with technical and business stakeholders.
- Develops and configures automation tools in support of development, testing and production deployments.
- Writes and runs software release and deployment processes and scripts.
- Configures users, apps, certificates and provisioning profiles in Apple developer portal, iTunes Connect, and Google Play.
- Works closely with network, QA and development teams on maintenance and support of environments and systems.
- Proposes solutions to streamline business and editorial processes to achieve goals more effectively and efficiently.
- Partners with strategic vendors on co-development projects and integrated deployments.
- Assists in estimating and scheduling technical work, and
communicates status, problems, and resolutions on projects and
assignments. Documents systems and processes.Requirements:
- Bachelors’ degree or equivalent and 5 years’ related experience in a
fast-paced, 7x24 software development or operational support role.- Hands-on understanding of automated build, release, and testing
tools, continuous integration platforms, and system administration on
multiple platforms.- Familiarity with TCP/IP network concepts, architectures, and
troubleshooting approaches, security best practices and testing
methodologies.- Demonstrable experience with Repliweb, Jenkins, JBoss, Tomcat,
RESTful web services, Subversion, GitHub, Eclipse, and Visual Studio,
.NET, Java, scripting languages and automation tools.- Ability to work comfortably in Linux OS (Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS), Mac OSX, Windows, AWS and/or other Cloud computing platforms.
要求: 学士学位或同等学历,5年相关工作经验,在一个快节奏,7X24软件开发或操作的支持作用。 了解自动化构建、发布和测试工具、连续集成平台和系统管理在多个平台上的理解。 TCP/IP网络体系结构的概念,熟悉,和故障排除方法,安全最佳实践和测试方法。 与repliweb,詹金斯,JBoss,Tomcat经验,RESTful Web服务,颠覆,GitHub,Eclipse和Visual Studio,.net,java,脚本语言和自动化工具。 在Linux操作系统(Ubuntu,Debian的舒适的工作能力,CentOS),Mac OSX,Windows,AWS和/或其他云计算平台。We offer a competitive salary and exceptional benefits including health and dental insurance, a 401k match, an onsite fitness room, an employee garden, an onsite back-up day care center, and generous time off. For additional information about our organization visit our website at www.massmed.org.
The Massachusetts Medical Society is an EOE: Minorities, Females, Vets and Disabled
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