


1. Introduction

2. Reward-Prediction Error Meets Dopamine

3. Reward-Prediction Error and Incentive Salience: What Do They Explain?

4. Explanatory Depth, Reward-Prediction Error and Incentive Salience

  4.1. Depth as scope, reward-prediction error and incentive salience

  4.2. Depth as invariance, reward-prediction error and incentive salience

5. Conclusion



Keywords: 多巴胺(Dopamine);奖励预测误差(Reward-Prediction Error);解释深度(Explanatory Depth);刺激显著性(Incentive Salience);强化学习(Reinforcement Learning)

1. Introduction

2. Reward-Prediction Error Meets Dopamine

3. Reward-Prediction Error and Incentive Salience: What Do They Explain?

4. Explanatory Depth, Reward-Prediction Error and Incentive Salience

4.1. Depth as scope, reward-prediction error and incentive salience

4.2. Depth as invariance, reward-prediction error and incentive salience

5. Conclusion

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