system:Android 8.1





Android 8.1 关机充电动画(一)模式选择

Android 8.1 关机充电动画(二)Uboot模式

Android 8.1 关机充电动画(三)Android模式





  1. 11-Jun-2018 5.2 KiB
  2. animation.h 11-Jun-2018 1.7 KiB
  3. AnimationParser.cpp 11-Jun-2018 4.8 KiB
  4. AnimationParser.h 11-Jun-2018 1 KiB
  5. BatteryMonitor.cpp 11-Jun-2018 24 KiB
  6. BatteryPropertiesRegistrar.cpp 11-Jun-2018 4 KiB
  7. BatteryPropertiesRegistrar.h 11-Jun-2018 1.8 KiB
  8. charger.cpp 11-Jun-2018 2.8 KiB
  9. healthd.cpp 11-Jun-2018 3.8 KiB
  10. healthd_common.cpp 11-Jun-2018 8.6 KiB
  11. healthd_draw.cpp 11-Jun-2018 5.7 KiB
  12. healthd_draw.h 11-Jun-2018 2.3 KiB
  13. healthd_mode_android.cpp 11-Jun-2018 2 KiB
  14. healthd_mode_charger.cpp 11-Jun-2018 20.6 KiB
  15. images/ 11-Jun-2018 4 KiB
  16. include/ 11-Jun-2018 4 KiB
  17. tests/ 11-Jun-2018 4 KiB

修改 healthd_mode_charger.cpp

  1. 在头文件animation.h的结构体animation添加成员变量user_animation_file,如下所示;
  1. struct animation {
  2. ...
  3. #define USER_IMAGE_NUM 5
  4. std::string user_animation_file[USER_IMAGE_NUM];
  5. ...
  6. }
  1. healthd_mode_charger.cpp添加frame数组user_animation_frames,目前添加了5帧画面,而且代码里直接固定为5帧的画面为一个充电循环来做,这里后面可能需要改动一下;
  1. static animation::frame user_animation_frames[] = {
  2. {
  3. .disp_time = 750,
  4. .min_level = 0,
  5. .max_level = 19,
  6. .surface = NULL,
  7. },
  8. {
  9. .disp_time = 750,
  10. .min_level = 0,
  11. .max_level = 39,
  12. .surface = NULL,
  13. },
  14. {
  15. .disp_time = 750,
  16. .min_level = 0,
  17. .max_level = 59,
  18. .surface = NULL,
  19. },
  20. {
  21. .disp_time = 750,
  22. .min_level = 0,
  23. .max_level = 79,
  24. .surface = NULL,
  25. },
  26. {
  27. .disp_time = 750,
  28. .min_level = 0,
  29. .max_level = 100,
  30. .surface = NULL,
  31. },
  32. };



  1. animation_desc_path = "/res/values/charger/animation.txt" ,这里程序中路径具体我也没有找到源码中对应的路径,最终debug的结果是parse_success = false 是一直成立的;所以程序中会直接制定路径下的图片,源码路径system/core/healthd/images/下的图片会在编译的过程中被拷贝到制定的路径下;
  2. 原程序的做法只去解析一张png图片,而且这张图片中包含了所有电池电量百分比的对应信息。
  3. 修改部分加入到条件编译的宏定义CHARGER_USER_ANIMATION中;
  1. animation* init_animation() {
  2. bool parse_success;
  3. std::string content;
  4. if (base::ReadFileToString(animation_desc_path, &content)) {
  5. parse_success = parse_animation_desc(content, &battery_animation);
  6. } else {
  7. LOGW("Could not open animation description at %s\n", animation_desc_path);
  8. parse_success = false;
  9. }
  10. if (!parse_success) {
  11. LOGW("Could not parse animation description. Using default animation.\n");
  12. battery_animation = BASE_ANIMATION;
  14. battery_animation.user_animation_file[0].assign("charger/battery_user_0");
  15. battery_animation.user_animation_file[1].assign("charger/battery_user_1");
  16. battery_animation.user_animation_file[2].assign("charger/battery_user_2");
  17. battery_animation.user_animation_file[3].assign("charger/battery_user_3");
  18. battery_animation.user_animation_file[4].assign("charger/battery_user_4");
  19. battery_animation.frames = user_animation_frames;
  20. battery_animation.num_frames = ARRAY_SIZE(user_animation_frames);
  21. #else
  22. battery_animation.animation_file.assign("charger/battery_scale");
  23. battery_animation.frames = default_animation_frames;
  24. battery_animation.num_frames = ARRAY_SIZE(default_animation_frames);
  25. #endif
  26. }
  27. if (battery_animation.fail_file.empty()) {
  29. battery_animation.fail_file.assign("charger/battery_user_fail");
  30. #else
  31. battery_animation.fail_file.assign("charger/battery_fail");
  32. #endif
  33. }
  34. if(battery_animation.text_percent.font_file.empty())
  35. battery_animation.text_percent.font_file.assign("charger/font");
  36. //battery_animation.text_clock.font_file.assign("charger/font");
  37. LOGW("Animation Description:\n");
  38. LOGW(" animation: %d %d '%s' (%d)\n", battery_animation.num_cycles,
  39. battery_animation.first_frame_repeats, battery_animation.animation_file.c_str(),
  40. battery_animation.num_frames);
  41. LOGW(" fail_file: '%s'\n", battery_animation.fail_file.c_str());
  42. LOGW(" clock: %d %d %d %d %d %d '%s'\n", battery_animation.text_clock.pos_x,
  43. battery_animation.text_clock.pos_y, battery_animation.text_clock.color_r,
  44. battery_animation.text_clock.color_g, battery_animation.text_clock.color_b,
  45. battery_animation.text_clock.color_a, battery_animation.text_clock.font_file.c_str());
  46. LOGW(" percent: %d %d %d %d %d %d '%s'\n", battery_animation.text_percent.pos_x,
  47. battery_animation.text_percent.pos_y, battery_animation.text_percent.color_r,
  48. battery_animation.text_percent.color_g, battery_animation.text_percent.color_b,
  49. battery_animation.text_percent.color_a, battery_animation.text_percent.font_file.c_str());
  50. for (int i = 0; i < battery_animation.num_frames; i++) {
  51. LOGW(" frame %.2d: %d %d %d\n", i, battery_animation.frames[i].disp_time,
  52. battery_animation.frames[i].min_level, battery_animation.frames[i].max_level);
  53. }
  54. return &battery_animation;
  55. }



  1. void healthd_mode_charger_init(struct healthd_config* config) {
  2. int ret;
  3. charger* charger = &charger_state;
  4. int i;
  5. int epollfd;
  6. dump_last_kmsg();
  7. LOGW("--------------- STARTING CHARGER MODE ---------------\n");
  8. ret = ev_init(std::bind(&input_callback, charger, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
  9. if (!ret) {
  10. epollfd = ev_get_epollfd();
  11. healthd_register_event(epollfd, charger_event_handler, EVENT_WAKEUP_FD);
  12. }
  13. animation* anim = init_animation();
  14. charger->batt_anim = anim;
  15. ret = res_create_display_surface(anim->fail_file.c_str(), &charger->surf_unknown);
  16. if (ret < 0) {
  17. LOGE("Cannot load custom battery_fail image. Reverting to built in.\n");
  18. ret = res_create_display_surface("charger/battery_fail", &charger->surf_unknown);
  19. if (ret < 0) {
  20. LOGE("Cannot load built in battery_fail image\n");
  21. charger->surf_unknown = NULL;
  22. }
  23. }
  25. GRSurface* scale_frames[USER_IMAGE_NUM];
  26. for(int i = 0; i<USER_IMAGE_NUM; i++){
  27. ret = res_create_display_surface(anim->user_animation_file[i].c_str(), &scale_frames[i]);
  28. if (ret < 0) {
  29. LOGE("Cannot load custom %s image. Reverting to built in.\n",anim->user_animation_file[i].c_str());
  30. }else{
  31. anim->frames[i].surface = scale_frames[i];
  32. LOGW("file is:[%s],anim->frames[%d].surface = charger->surf_unknown;\n",
  33. anim->user_animation_file[i].c_str(),i);
  34. }
  35. }
  36. #else
  37. GRSurface** scale_frames
  38. int scale_count;
  39. int scale_fps; // Not in use (charger/battery_scale doesn't have FPS text
  40. // chunk). We are using hard-coded frame.disp_time instead.
  41. ret = res_create_multi_display_surface(anim->animation_file.c_str(), &scale_count, &scale_fps,
  42. &scale_frames);
  43. if (ret < 0) {
  44. LOGE("Cannot load battery_scale image\n");
  45. anim->num_frames = 0;
  46. anim->num_cycles = 1;
  47. } else if (scale_count != anim->num_frames) {
  48. LOGE("battery_scale image has unexpected frame count (%d, expected %d)\n", scale_count,
  49. anim->num_frames);
  50. anim->num_frames = 0;
  51. anim->num_cycles = 1;
  52. } else {
  53. for (i = 0; i < anim->num_frames; i++) {
  54. anim->frames[i].surface = scale_frames[i];
  55. }
  56. }
  57. #endif
  58. ev_sync_key_state(
  59. std::bind(&set_key_callback, charger, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
  60. charger->next_screen_transition = -1;
  61. charger->next_key_check = -1;
  62. charger->next_pwr_check = -1;
  63. healthd_config = config;
  64. charger->boot_min_cap = config->boot_min_cap;
  65. }




  1. ...
  2. _img_modules :=
  3. _images :=
  4. $(foreach _img, $(call find-subdir-subdir-files, "images", "*.png"), \
  5. $(eval $(call _add-charger-image,$(_img))))
  6. ...




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