Install directory used by install().

if make install is invoked or INSTALL is built, this directory is prepended onto(预先加到) all install directories. This variable defaults to /usr/local on UNIX and c:/Program Files on Windows.

On UNIX one can use the DESTDIR mechanism in order to relocate the whole installation. DESTDIR means DESTination DIRectory. It is commonly used by makefile users in order to install software at non-default location. It is usually invoked like this:

make DESTDIR=/home/john install

which will install the concerned software using the installation prefix, e.g. /usr/local prepended with the DESTDIR value which finally gives /home/john/usr/local.

WARNING: DESTDIR may not be used on Windows because installation prefix usually contains a drive letter like in C:/Program Files which cannot be prepended with some other prefix.


This command generates installation rules for a project. Rules specified by calls to this command within a source directory are executed in order during installation.The order across directories is not defined.

There are multiple signatures for this command. Some of them define installation options for files and targets. Options common to multiple signatures are covered here but they are valid only for signatures that specify them. The common options are:

Specify the directory on disk to which a file will be installed. If a full path (with a leading slash or drive letter) is given it is used directly. If a relative path is given it is interpreted relative to the value of the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable. The prefix can be relocated at install time using the DESTDIR mechanism explained above.
Specify permissions for installed files. Valid permissions are OWNER_READ, OWNER_WRITE, OWNER_EXECUTE, GROUP_READ, GROUP_WRITE, GROUP_EXECUTE, WORLD_READ, WORLD_WRITE, WORLD_EXECUTE, SETUID, and SETGID. Permissions that do not make sense on certain platforms are ignored on those platforms.
         Specify a list of build configurations for which the install rule applies (Debug, Release, etc.).
Specify an installation component name with which the install rule is associated, such as “runtime” or “development”. During component-specific installation only install rules associated with the given component name will be executed. During a full installation all components are installed. If COMPONENT is not provided a default component “Unspecified” is created. The default component name may be controlled with the CMAKE_INSTALL_DEFAULT_COMPONENT_NAME variable.
Specify a name for an installed file that may be different from the original file. Renaming is allowed only when a single file is installed by the command.
Specify that it is not an error if the file to be installed does not exist.
Command signatures that install files may print messages during installation. Use the CMAKE_INSTALL_MESSAGE variable to control which messages are printed.
installing Targets
install(TARGETS targets... [EXPORT <export-name>]
[PERMISSIONS permissions...]
[CONFIGURATIONS [Debug|Release|...]]
[COMPONENT <component>]
The TARGETS form specifies rules for installing targets from a project. There are five kinds of target files that may be installed: ARCHIVE, LIBRARY, RUNTIME, FRAMEWORK, and BUNDLE. Executables are treated as RUNTIME targets, except that(除了) those marked with the MACOSX_BUNDLE property are treated as BUNDLE targets on OS X. Static libraries are always treated as ARCHIVE targets. Module libraries are always treated as LIBRARY targets. For non-DLL platforms shared libraries are treated as LIBRARY targets, except that those marked with the FRAMEWORK property are treated as FRAMEWORK targets on OS X. For DLL platforms the DLL part of a shared library is treated as a RUNTIME target and the corresponding import library is treated as an ARCHIVE target. All Windows-based systems including Cygwin are DLL platforms. The ARCHIVE, LIBRARY, RUNTIME, and FRAMEWORK arguments change the type of target to which the subsequent properties apply. If none is given the installation properties apply to all target types. If only one is given then only targets of that type will be installed (which can be used to install just a DLL or just an import library).
The EXPORT option associates the installed target files with an export called <export-name>. It must appear before any RUNTIME, LIBRARY, or ARCHIVE options. To actually install the export file itself, call install(EXPORT), documented below.
installing Files
install(<FILES|PROGRAMS> files... DESTINATION <dir>
[PERMISSIONS permissions...]
[CONFIGURATIONS [Debug|Release|...]]
[COMPONENT <component>]
The FILES form specifies rules for installing files for a project. File names given as relative paths are interpreted with respect to the current source directory. Files installed by this form are by default given permissions OWNER_WRITE, OWNER_READ, GROUP_READ, and WORLD_READ if no PERMISSIONS argument is given.

The list of files... given to FILES or PROGRAMS may use “generator expressions” with the syntax $<...>. See the cmake-generator-expressions(7) manual for available expressions. However, if any item begins in a generator expression it must evaluate to a full path.

The install destination given to the files install DESTINATION may use “generator expressions” with the syntax $<...>. See the cmake-generator-expressions(7) manual for available expressions.

The PROGRAMS form is identical to the FILES form except that the default permissions for the installed file also include OWNER_EXECUTE, GROUP_EXECUTE, and WORLD_EXECUTE. This form is intended to install programs that are not targets, such as shell scripts. Use the TARGETS form to install targets built within the project.


install(FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include/${LIBRARY_NAME}/config.h"

installing Directories

install(DIRECTORY dirs... DESTINATION <dir>
[FILE_PERMISSIONS permissions...]
[CONFIGURATIONS [Debug|Release|...]]
[[PATTERN <pattern> | REGEX <regex>]
[EXCLUDE] [PERMISSIONS permissions...]] [...])

The DIRECTORY form installs contents of one or more directories to a given destination. The directory structure is copied verbatim to the destination. The last component of each directory name is appended to the destination directory but a trailing slash may be used to avoid this because it leaves the last component empty(每个目录名的最后一个组件被附加到目标目录,但是可以使用一个尾随斜杠来避免这种情况,因为它会将最后一个组件保留为空).Directory names given as relative paths are interpreted with respect to the current source directory. If no input directory names are given the destination directory will be created but nothing will be installed into it. The FILE_PERMISSIONS and DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS options specify permissions given to files and directories in the destination.



installing Exports

install(EXPORT <export-name> DESTINATION <dir>
[NAMESPACE <namespace>] [FILE <name>.cmake]
[PERMISSIONS permissions...]
[CONFIGURATIONS [Debug|Release|...]]
[COMPONENT <component>])

The EXPORT form generates and installs a CMake file containing code to import targets from the installation tree into another project. Target installations are associated with the export <export-name> using the EXPORT option of the install(TARGETS) signature documented above. The NAMESPACE option will prepend <namespace> to the target names as they are written to the import file. By default the generated file will be called <export-name>.cmake but the FILE option may be used to specify a different name. The value given to the FILE option must be a file name with the .cmake extension.

The EXPORT form is useful to help outside projects use targets built and installed by the current project. For example, the code

install(TARGETS myexe EXPORT myproj DESTINATION bin)
install(EXPORT myproj NAMESPACE mp_ DESTINATION lib/myproj)

will install the executable myexe to <prefix>/bin and code to import it in the file <prefix>/lib/myproj/myproj.cmake. An outside project may load this file with the include command and reference the myexe executable from the installation tree using the imported target name mp_myexe as if the target were built in its own tree.





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