Convert Windows 32bit dirver to Windows 64bit
1.source code(vc6.0+WDK based)
Development environment:
3.WDK 8/8.1
1.Create a new project.
File->New->Visual C++->Windows Driver
2.Copy .c and .h source code to project
3.Modify project property
xxx属性页->配置属性->Wpp Tracing->Run Wpp racing->否
4.Compile it
Driver Installation for 32-bit and 64-bit Platforms
Starting with Windows Vista, all 64-bit versions of Windows require driver code to have a digital signature for the driver to load. See Signing a Driver and Signing a Driver During Development and Testing.
在命令行中输入shutdown.exe /r /o /f /t 00后运行
1. Download the application from the link below. Right click on it and choose "Run as administrator". Inside its main menu, press on the “Enable Test Mode” button and follow the instructions on the screen. This will enable TESTSIGNING mode, which allows unverified system files to be loaded.
2. Now all you have to do is to add the unverified signature to the required system files. To do so press on the “Sign a System File” button from the main menu, and enter specific filename including full path. For example: if ATITool64.sys from C:\Windows\System32\drivers refuses to load due to driver signature enforcement, you should type: “C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ATITool64.sys”, and if you would like to sign more than a single file, just repeat this procedure until you’re done, and finally reboot.
After you enabled Test Mode and added signatures to the required system files, they should bypass Windows’s driver signature enforcement and load without any issues. However, if for some reason you are interested to revert it, you can re-launch the application, choose “Disable Test Mode” from the main menu, and reboot. If you encounter issues or having questions, feel free to post it on our forums.
Note: DSEO requires administrative privileges (Run as administrator).
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