练习一发,主要是使用placement new在原始内存上创建对象。半路md面试电话来了,赶紧存档,看Java大法

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm> using namespace std; class Object {
static int count;
int current;
int id;
Object(int i) {
id = i;
current = count++;
cout<<"object["<<id<<"] create : "<<current<<endl;
} ~Object() {
cout<<"object["<<id<<"] destroy: "<<current<<endl;
} Object(const Object& obj) {
current = count++;
id = obj.id;
cout<<"object["<<id<<"] copied : "<<current<<" old : "<<obj.current<<endl;
}; int Object::count = ; template<class T>
class MyVector {
typedef T value_type;
typedef value_type* pointer;
typedef value_type* iterator;
typedef value_type& reference;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; private:
iterator start;
iterator finish;
iterator space_end;
MyVector() {
start = NULL;
space_end = NULL;
finish = NULL;
} size_type capacity() {return space_end - start;}
size_type size() { return finish - start; } bool empty() { return start == finish; }
iterator begin() {return start;}
iterator end() {return finish;} reference operator[] (int idx) {return start[idx];}
reference front() {return *start;}
reference back() {return *(finish-);} void clear() { } void pop_back() {
if (start >= finish) {
} void push_back(const T& x) {
if (finish < space_end) {
// placement new
new (finish) T(x);
// adjust end pointer
} else if (space_end == finish){
// space not enough
int olen = finish - start;
int nlen = olen == ? : olen * ;
T* new_start = (T*) malloc(nlen * sizeof(T));
T* new_finish = new_start;
for (int i=; i<olen; i++) {
// copy old data to new space
new (new_finish++) T(*(start + i));
// append pushed element
new (new_finish++) T(x); // deconstruct old ones
for (int i=; i<olen; i++) {
free(start); start = new_start;
finish= new_finish;
space_end = start + nlen;
} else {
// state invalid
} ~MyVector() {
for (T* s=start; s<finish; s++) {
}; #define USE_ORG 0
int main() { long* a = NULL;
long* b = a + ;
int n = (char*)b - (char*)a; cout<<n<<endl; int last_capacity =-;
Object::count = ; #if USE_ORG
vector<Object> tmp;
MyVector<Object> tmp;
#endif for (int i=; i<; i++) {
if (last_capacity != tmp.capacity()) {
cout<<"======last cap:"<<last_capacity<<" new capacity:"<<tmp.capacity()<<endl;
last_capacity = tmp.capacity();
} cout<<"\n\n"<<endl;
} MyVector<int> ints;
ints.push_back(); sort(ints.begin(), ints.end()); for (int i:ints) {
} system("pause");
return ;

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