Ubuntu12.04 Skype4.2 提示Skype can't connect,安装Skype4.3
最近几天Skype突然不能登录啦,以为是自己密码记错啦,重置啦一下密码,发现仍然提示”Skype can't connect“,我的版本是Ubuntu12.04 Skype4.2
Before we proceed with the Skype 4.3 installation steps, you have to remove any previous version of skype and install the sni-qt package, to make the app indicator work:
$ sudo apt-get remove skype skype-bin:i386 skype:i386
$ sudo apt-get install sni-qt:i386
How to install Skype 4.3 on Ubuntu 14.04, Linux Mint 17, Pinguy OS 14.04, Elementary OS 0.3 and LXLE 14.04:
Instructions for 32 bit systems:
For 32 bit systems, the installation follows the traditional instructions, download the deb package and install it via gdebi:
$ sudo apt-get install gdebi
$ wget download.skype.com/linux/skype-ubuntu-precise_4.3.0.37-1_i386.deb
$ sudo gdebi skype-ubuntu-precise_4.3.0.37-1_i386.deb
Instructions for 64 bit systems:
In order to install Skype 4.3 we have to add the i386 architecture and update the local repository index, so that we get all the 32 bit libraries required by skype, download the deb package and install it with gdebi:
$ sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install gdebi
$ wget download.skype.com/linux/skype-ubuntu-precise_4.3.0.37-1_i386.deb
$ sudo gdebi skype-ubuntu-precise_4.3.0.37-1_i386.deb
Optional: Due to the fact that Skype is an application created for 32 bit systems, on 64 bit versions of Ubuntu it may use the Clearlooks theme by default, instead of Ambiance, which is the default Ubuntu theme for Skype.
To fix this, you have to install the Murrine and Pixmap GTK2 engines, like this:
$ sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-murrine:i386
$ sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-pixbuf:i386
How to install Skype 4.3 on Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 12.04, Linux Mint 16, Linux Mint 13, Pinguy OS 12.04 and Elementary OS 0.2 Luna:
Instructions for 32 bit systems:
For 32 bit systems, the installation follows the traditional instructions, download the deb package and install it via gdebi:
$ sudo apt-get install gdebi
$ wget download.skype.com/linux/skype-ubuntu-precise_4.3.0.37-1_i386.deb
$ sudo gdebi skype-ubuntu-precise_4.3.0.37-1_i386.deb
Instructions for 64 bit systems:
In order to install Skype 4.3 we have to install the ia32-libs package, which allows the users to install 32 bit packages on 64 bit architectures, download the deb package and install it with gdebi:
$ sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
$ sudo apt-get install gdebi
$ wget download.skype.com/linux/skype-ubuntu-precise_4.3.0.37-1_i386.deb
$ sudo gdebi skype-ubuntu-precise_4.3.0.37-1_i386.deb
Next, start Skype and Agree to the license terms.
Troubleshoot Skype 4.3, and fix the crashes:
Unfortunately Micro$oft has done a crappy job and the Skype 4.3 client crashes. I have googled around for a solution and this is what worked for me:
$ rm -rf ~/.Skype
Also, if removing the Skype history does not fix anything, try doing this:
$ sudo apt-get sqlite3
$ sqlite3 ~/.Skype/$USER/main.db
> SELECT body_xml from Messages WHERE type=68 AND body_xml LIKE '%files%' LIMIT 0,10;
> UPDATE Messages SET body_xml=substr(body_xml,instr(body_xml,'<files')) WHERE type=68 AND body_xml LIKE 'posted%';
> UPDATE Messages SET body_xml=substr(body_xml,instr(body_xml,'<files')) WHERE type=68 AND body_xml LIKE 'sent file%'; > .quit
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