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// 滚动导航分块
function orderScroll(opt){
this.options = {
menu: "", //要固定的顶部导航栏的ID
type: 'scroll', //类型, scroll:滚动 tab:tab切换
tab_hide: true, //若选择tab方式,true为默认隐藏非当前分块,false为默认不隐藏非当前分块
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cell: "", //分块,选择器ID前缀,后加数字确定次序——分块类型请用一种
cell_class: "", //分块,由相同class组成,按次序排——分块类型请用一种
cut_class: "cut", //选中样式名
btn: "", //导航栏中控制显隐的按钮选择器
cell_t: , //分块距离顶部高度——单数字视为每个分块距离顶部高度一样,也可设置为数组定义不同的高度
start_h: undefined, //开始高度
end_h: , //结束高度
animate: //滚动速度
for(var i in opt){
if(opt[i] != undefined){
this.options[i] = opt[i];
} this._start = function(){
var self = this,
opt = self.options,
menu = opt.menu,
$menu = $('#' + menu),
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start_h = opt.start_h || $menu.offset().top,
cell = "#" + opt.cell,
cell_class = '.' + opt.cell_class,
cell_t = opt.cell_t,
vertical = opt.vertical,
$btn = $(opt.btn),
length = $menu.find('li').length,
cellH = new Array(length),
obj = new Array(length),
n, i, contain, nowH; if(vertical == 'b'){
start_h += $menuH;
} //随移固定 1.作用id 2.起始高度 3.结束高度 4.上边距or下边距 5.垂直边距
scr_fixed(menu,start_h,opt.end_h,vertical,); if (vertical == "b") {
start_h -= $(window).height();
opt.end_h += $(window).height();
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if($menu.next().attr('class') != (menu + "_stay") && $menu.next().height() != $menuH){
$menu.after('<div class="' + menu +'_stay" style="height:' + $menuH + 'px;"></div>');
} if(typeof cell_t == 'number'){
n = cell_t;
cell_t = new Array(length);
for(i = ; i < length; i++){
cell_t[i] = n;
} for(i = ; i < length; i++){
obj[i] = (cell_class == '.') ? $(cell + i) : $(cell_class).eq(i);
} function countPos(){
for(i = ; i < length; i++){
cellH[i] = obj[i].length ? obj[i].offset().top - $menuH - cell_t[i] : ;
if (vertical == "b") {
cellH[i] += $menuH;
} countPos(); //tab方式
if(opt.type == "tab"){
for(i = ; i < length; i++){
var $this = $(this),
index = $this.index();
$('html,body').stop().animate({scrollTop:cellH[] + }, opt.animate);
} function judge_statu(){
nowH = $(this).scrollTop();
for(i = ; i < length; i++){
contain = i == length- ? : cellH[i + ];
if(nowH > cellH[i] && nowH < contain){
if($(this).scrollTop() >= start_h && $(this).scrollTop() <= document.body.scrollHeight - opt.end_h){
if(opt.type == "scroll"){
if(opt.type == "scroll"){
var $this = $(this),
index = $this.index();
$('html,body').stop().animate({scrollTop:cellH[index] + }, opt.animate);
} this._start();
orderScroll.prototype = { }
// 随屏滚动固定菜单并导航分块 0811
var scroll_order = new orderScroll({
menu: "page_Tab_title", //要固定的顶部导航栏的ID
cell: "page_Tab_cell", //分块的选择器ID前缀
btn: "#page_Tab_buy", //导航栏中控制显隐的按钮选择器
cell_t: //滚动到时分块距离顶部的距离
}); </script>
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