


故第i天卖的东西可能来自max(0,i-stale_limit+1)~i 之间任何一天的东西,假设j在这些天数之间,

则第j天生产的东西在第i天卖的数量为min(morning[j], customer[i]),故遍历一遍即可

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm> using namespace std; class SlimeXSlimonadeTycoon{
int sell(vector<int> morning, vector<int> customers, int stale_limit){
int res = ;
for(int i = ; i < morning.size(); ++ i){
for(int j = max(,i-stale_limit+); j<= i; ++ j){
if(customers[i] > ){
int t = min(customers[i],morning[j]);
res += t;
customers[i] -=t;
morning[j] -=t;
return res;

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