Why not discovering as there is glorious faraway scenery?


An advertisement of Land Rover.

Maybe one day I will drive a car of the same class, like Audi, Benz, Bmw and so on.

But today I am just a poor man, both in wealth, knowledge, skills, and love experiences.

Accept the truth that I am just an ordinary people, even inferior to many others.

However, maybe I can do something to change the situations.

Sometimes, when I feel that all door are closed, maybe some of them are not locked, just have a push, all right?

Friendship is unnecessary. It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.


Today one of my friend asked me to lend some money to him, because he planned to buy a house.

I promised. I am not rich, but I think I have the abilty to afford this.

And I think if he can ask you, he may think you as one of his friends, best friends.

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