THOUGHTS: programming in linux... with third_party open sources... methods
Actually I do not have experiences in programming with open sources/third party libs.. in linux..
I think this took me almost 3 days to figure out how to learn programming with open source tools..
First you need to build libs/shared libs in the system and install them correctly in order to be referenced in linking time..
And you need to find out where the lib's/shared lib's header file.. without them, it's hard to figure out the entry of the libs.. Of cource it's not impossible.. (nm?)
But with the headers, sometimes it means the introduction and so on is with the header..
learn with lib's headers.. quite nice plan...
actually I never thought of finding the header in the fs.. according to my past experiences.. the introduction document is always found in their offical site.. maybe .. it's because the open sources are modified much more frequently.. so it is not quite convenient to put it on the official site, it means to modify the site frequently.. a waste of time..
let us start!! with zookeeper..
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