
Static file serving middleware for koa with directory, rewrite and index support


static file serving middleware for koa with directory, rewrite and index support


$ npm install koa-static-server


var koa = require('koa')
var app = koa()


  • rootDir {string} directory that is to be served
  • rootPath {string} optional rewrite path
  • log {boolean} request access log to console
  • maxage Browser cache max-age in milliseconds. defaults to 0
  • hidden Allow transfer of hidden files. defaults to false
  • gzip Try to serve the gzipped version of a file automatically when gzip is supported by a client and if the requested file with .gz extension exists. defaults to true.


See examples for code examples

// example 'web' directory
// web/index.html
// web/file.txt 

var serve = require('koa-static-server')
var app = require('koa')()

// root index support
// GET /
// returns index.html
// GET /file.txt
// returns file.txt
app.use(serve({rootDir: 'web'}))

// folder support
// GET /web/
// returns /web/index.html
// GET /web/file.txt
// returns /web/file.txt
app.use(serve({rootDir: 'web', rootPath: '/web'}))

// index support
// GET /
// returns /file.txt
app.use(serve({rootDir: 'web', index: 'file.txt'}))

// rewrite support
// GET /web/
// returns 404
// GET /admin
// returns /admin/index.html
app.use(serve({rootDir: 'web', rootPath: '/admin'}))


console.log('listening on port 3000')




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