hdu 1239 Calling Extraterrestrial Intelligence Again (暴力枚举)
Calling Extraterrestrial Intelligence Again
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 3993 Accepted Submission(s): 2097
We are planning a similar project. Your task in the project is to find the most suitable width and height of the translated rectangular picture. The term "most suitable" is defined as follows. An integer m greater than 4 is given. A positive fraction a / b less than or equal to 1 is also given. The area of the picture should not be greater than m. Both of the width and the height of the translated picture should be prime numbers. The ratio of the width to the height should not be less than a / b nor greater than 1. You should maximize the area of the picture under these constraints.
In other words, you will receive an integer m and a fraction a / b. It holds that m > 4 and 0 < a / b < 1. You should find the pair of prime numbers p, q such that pq <= m and a / b <= p / q <= 1, and furthermore, the product pq takes the maximum value among such pairs of two prime numbers. You should report p and q as the "most suitable" width and height of the translated picture.
The integers of each input triplet are the integer m, the numerator a, and the denominator b described above, in this order. You may assume 4 < m <= 100000 and 1 <= a <= b <= 1000.
Each output line contains a single pair. A space character is put between the integers as a delimiter. No other characters should appear in the output.
99999 999 999
1680 5 16
1970 1 1
2002 4 11
0 0 0
313 313
23 73
43 43
37 53
#define N 100005
using namespace std; bool no_prim[N];
int m,a,b,p,q; void primetable()
int i,j;
int tmp=i<<1;
} int main()
int i,j;
double limit=a*1.0/b;
if(j*1.0/i>=limit&&i*j>p*q) //i和j的顺序
} }
printf("%d %d\n",p,q);
return 0;
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